標題: 便利商店IC儲值卡市場區隔之研究—以統一超icash卡為例
A Study of Market Segmentation on IC Stored Value Card in Convenient Stores-An Example From 7-ELEVEN Icash Card
作者: 黃勛隆
Hsun Lung, Huang
Dr. Chyan Yang
關鍵字: IC儲值卡;市場區隔;生活型態;IC stored value card;market segmentation;lifestyle
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 便利商店已成為現代人日常生活中不可或缺的一環,各家業者競爭也相當激烈。為了滿足消費者多元的需求,各家業者也不斷的提供創新性的服務及商品。以統一超為例,在94年12月發行企業儲值卡-icash做為消費者的支付工具,節省了結帳時間及攜帶零錢的困擾。在短短一年內發卡量就達到三百萬張。本研究期望能瞭解icash持卡者的需求及使用狀況,因此針對icash持卡者的生活型態、人口統計變數、使用動機及使用情形進行調查。 本研究主要目的是探討icash持卡者特性,採用生活型態變數做為市場區隔的基礎及區隔市場後之描述,以針對不同區隔市場進行目標行銷。研究結果發現持卡者之生活型態可區分為(一)時尚活躍群(二)理性詢價群(三)冒險探索群三個集群。 透過本研究問卷的調查,發現目前持有統一超商icash卡的消費者以女性居多,年齡層主要為21~25歲,職業類別以學生、服務業及專業人員居多,教育水準多為大學(專),每月可支用所得在15,000以下。研究結果顯示三集群在人口統計變數中的職業有顯著差異,使用動機上也有顯著差異。在使用情形方面,每月使用次數、每月使用金額及每月儲值金額有顯著差異。
Convenience stores have become an indispensable part of our daily life in the modern society, and the competition among stores is also highly. To satisfy the multi-dimensional needs of consumers, they have been supplying new services and goods. Take Uni-President 7-ELEVEN for example, icash card hit the market in December 2005 and the issuing amount soared to 3 million in one year. We hope to understand the demand and using condition of card user, therefore we investigate the lifestyle, demographic data, motivation and card usage. The main purpose of the research is to find the characteristic of the consumers who have icash. According to the research, card holder’s lifestyle can be segregated into, (1)Fashion-active group(2)Price-Sensible group(3)Adventure-explore group. The questionnaire survey of this study shows that the majority of the consumers who also have icash cards of 7-ELEVEN are females in the age range of 21 to 25 years. Most of them are students, or are working in the service industries and professional, with graduate level education and monthly disposable incomes under NTD 15,000.The result of research findings, the general population of three groups varies on their occupations. The three groups have significant difference on motivation. On the part of card use, monthly using times, monthly using price and monthly storage price have significant difference.


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