标题: 行動電話主選單設計研究:科技生活型態與圖示隱喻
A Study of Cellular Phone Menu Design: Technology Life Style Segmentation and Iconic Metaphor
作者: 賴相如
Hsiang Ju Lai
Jim Jiunde Lee
关键字: 圖示隱喻;行動電話;心智模式;科技敏感度生活形態;Iconic Metaphor;Mobile Phone;Mental Model;Technological Sensitive Life Style
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 行動電話的快速發展與激烈競爭,使其產品相關研究越顯重要,無論在使用性或介面元素設計上均必須是容易理解且操作容易的。在行動電話介面之圖示設計,則與隱喻概念密不可分,圖示為圖形化的隱喻,目的是用來暗示功能,其所隱含的隱喻概念合適與否,直接影響其外觀呈現,並間接影響對於功能的詮釋程度。亦即,圖示隱喻設計的優劣,會對使用者預測聯想產生很大的影響,圖示隱喻因而扮演圖示設計中非常重要之角色。
The importance of relevant research on mobile products increases as the rapid
development and keen competition of the mobile phone business. The
comprehensiveness and operational convenience of the interface design are then the
most concern. Speaking of the icon design as the interface between mobile phone and
users, appropriate metaphor shall be taken into consideration. Icons, a kind of
graphical metaphor, should be designed to let users quickly catch the exact ideas of
what the icons are for. Thus, the iconic metaphor shall be carefully selected to visually
represent the targeted functions which in turn, could enhance the user’s
comprehensive levels. The iconic metaphor plays a vital role in icon design.
The primary research purposes were to investigate the needs of end users with
various technological sensitivities on main menu functions of mobile phones, as well
as the appropriate iconic metaphors. The card sorting and co-discovery methods were
adopted to collect users’ data. Accordingly, the requirements and mental models of
highly or medium technological sensitive users toward the main menu of mobile
phones were generated. Also, what types of iconic metaphor might be accepted by end
users were discussed too.
The result showed that a total of 13 items were needed on the main menu of a
mobile phone for the highly technological sensitive users, while the medium
technological sensitive users required 10 items only. The study discovered that highly
technological sensitive users viewed a mobile phone like a 3C or multimedia device.
They demanded that the main menu of a mobile phone shall be charily categorized
and the secondary menus shall be organized hierarchically according functional
characteristics. The acceptable metaphors for this user group tends to be
multifunctional, technology-oriented and active controlled. As for the medium
technological sensitive users, the main concern of using mobile phones is to
communicate and to deal with personal affairs. Their mental models seem to prefer
the icons with simplicity features. As a result, the acceptable metaphors of this user
group incline to be simple functioned, traditional life style and less active controlled,
which were categorized as the hierarchical and function-oriented types of metaphors.
Finally, concrete objects were used by them to visually represent icons.


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