標題: | 《羊男的迷宮》中的奇幻顛覆 The Fantasy as Transgression in Pan’s Labyrinth |
作者: | 陳玟靜 Wen-ching Chen 張靄珠 I-chu Chang 外國語文學系外國文學與語言學碩士班 |
關鍵字: | 奇幻;顛覆;女性;法西斯主義;羊男的迷宮;母女關係;fantasy;transgression;female;fascism;Pan's Labyrinth;Mother-Daughter Relationship |
公開日期: | 2007 |
摘要: | 喬勒蒙迪多羅所編導的《羊男的迷宮》可視為對童話故事的改寫,以童話故事的結構為基柱,透過電影中的奇幻要素展現出顛覆的力量。運用電影敘事中穿插交織的魔幻和血腥,呈現出幻滅和殘缺的社會寫實。敘事的起點架構建築在現實的時空,以取得觀影者的信賴。其後展現的奇幻要素則顯露出社會中的異化與顛覆理性成規的企圖。藉由似真非真的影像混淆觀影者對現實的概念。影片中的奇幻要素不僅顛覆了觀影者的認知,同時也在現實規則中創造出間隙以及破壞權威的敘事,成就了可供重新詮釋或改寫的場域。 本論文試圖探討《羊男的迷宮》一片中如何藉由影像所呈現的奇幻要素,顛覆社會規則和秩序的概念。自第一章針對導演背景及手法概述之後,第二章將探討影片中奇幻要素與童話架構的緊密關連,第三章著重在影片中所呈現的法西斯主義╱父權體制對於異己者的宰制和壓迫,第四章則側重於分析片中女性角色,如何在既有的規範中開啟被壓抑發聲的可能性,終章將以奇幻要素顛覆父權社會機制做為總結。 Screen-written and directed by Guillermo del Toro, Pan’s Labyrinth is regarded as a revised fairy tale. Based on elements and characteristics of fairy tales, and the cinematic techniques of fantasy, Pan’s Labyrinth demonstrates the transgression of fantasy genre as well as patriarchal ideologies. Del Toro manipulates magic and violence within the film to demonstrate the disillusion and instability of social reality. The cinematic narrative is initiated on the specific background of the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, whereas the fantastic elements unveil the marginalized alienation and the attempt to transgress the dominant ideologies. Placing the parallel universes on the screen, del Toro is able to challenge the audience’s concept of reality constructing a space for reinterpretation or revision. In this thesis, I attempt to discuss how Pan’s Labyrinth, through fantastic cinematic techniques and a juxtaposition of political allegory and fairy tale, transgresses the concept of temporality and social order. Starting with Chapter I of del Toro’s background and directing techniques, I would like to examine the intensive correlation between fairy-tale structures and fantastic elements in Chapter II. In the following chapters, the research will be focused differently on portraying the dominance and oppression of fascism/patriarchy, as well as analyzing how female characters breach rules of fascism/patriarchy, voicing out their wills. In conclusion, the fantastic elements of Pan’s Labyrinth transgress the dominant ideology of fascism/patriarchy. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/79782 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |