DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChing-Chien Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorYu-Tung Liuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究的主要目的是在VR-CAVE中,發展出一個具有存在感的空間介面雛形,進一步延伸讓使用者利用身體的直覺動作來瀏覽環境,透過此感知介面得到更多的存在感及回饋。目前VR-CAVE在建築空間的表現上多為設計的呈現,只能被動的接收視覺刺激缺少了互動的成份,使用者無法像在一般空間中一樣自由的走動及感受。因此,在VR-CAVE系統中缺少了一個可以互動的使用者介面,若能利用人的直覺動作來瀏覽虛擬環境,將會增加使用者的存在感。 因此,在研究中使用了人的直覺性動作來作為瀏覽空間的主要互動介面。本研究有二個步驟:第一步驟為空間介面的建置,在建置前先探討人體在實體空間中的一些直覺性動作,以人類步行的方式為基礎,實作一個感壓式踏墊。第二步驟為認知實驗與評估此空間介面及修正建置,以城市導覽為例,受測者使用三種不同的輸入裝置:3D反光球、感壓式踏墊及數字方向鍵來做認知行為的比較,再以受測者主觀報告使用後的感受及填寫問卷和訪談來了解。 此研究發展出一個具有存在感的空間介面雛形,基於問卷的結果:使用身體的直覺性動作來與虛擬環境互動,確實能增加使用者的存在感。本研究的貢獻為藉由一個直覺式的空間互動介面來增加使用者的存在感,除了視覺之外更多了身體的感知來體驗,增進虛擬實境的功能。此城市導覽有別於傳統建築模型觀看的限制,更可以利用虛擬實境來了解建築物在使用後外觀及設備衰退的狀況,清楚的了解空間之間的關聯性及得到更多的回饋。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to develop a preliminary prototype of spatial interface which has more sense of presence in VR-CAVE. Make the user to using the bodily intuitive movements to navigate the virtual environment. With a percept interface, that can let the user experience more sense of presence in virtual environment. Currently, the performance of architectural space in VR-CAVE was almost created by designers. It only provide the passive receive vision stimulus can’t provide sufficient interaction between users and VR-CAVE. The observers are not able to move freely or sense their body with intuition in that virtual space, just like what they can do in the physics space. Hence, there is a lack of user interface for interaction in the VR-CAVE system. We wonder if we utilize the intuitive motion of human beings to navigate the virtual environment, can we make the viewers experience stronger sense of presence. In this research, the intuitive motion of human beings was applied as the major interface for the interaction with navigating space. This research will be divided into two steps. First, build up an spatial interface. Through this case study, it’s reported that the intuitive movements of human beings in virtual environment must be like their experience in real world using the body movements to navigate the environment. Therefore, design an operation interface in CAVE environment with intuitive motions of human being. Based on the result of step one, we create a floor sensor in the four major direction. Second, evaluate the feedback of interactions between the intuitive motions and virtual environment with the result of user questionnaire. In this paper, we use a virtual city navigation as an example. Then the subjects used the three kinds of interactive interface to navigate the space. The subjects used an infrared 3D tracker, a floor sensor and a number keyboard to compare of the cognition actions. Then they filled the survey and were scored with rating scale model. This research developed a preliminary prototype of spatial interface which has more sense of presence in VR-CAVE. Based on the result of questionnaires, the interactive interface improved by intuitive body movements exactly can enhance the sense of presence of users. The contribution of this research was tried to link the experience of human intuitive motions directly with virtual environment via an intuitive interface. This will evidently increases the users’ sense of presence and creates a totally different navigating experience. We provide intuitive stimulation and feedback from perception of human body other than vision. Unlike the traditional model, which is limited by visibility, we present the digital model with three different scales so the users may clearly understand the structure of the space.en_US
dc.subjectvirtual realityen_US
dc.subjectthe sense of presenceen_US
dc.titleVR CAVE中具有存在感的空間介面zh_TW
dc.titleSpatial interface in VR CAVE : A sense of presenceen_US


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