Title: 無線醫療網路商業運轉模型的可行性分析
The Analysis of Business Model Feasibility of Medical Wireless Network
Authors: 楊崇謨
Morris Yang
Keywords: 遠距醫療;無線醫療網路;遠距居家照護;Home Health Care;Wireless Medical Network;Wireless Medication
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 本研究以探討無線醫療網路的營運模式,來找出醫療產業未來的藍海策略。有效地利用網路通訊科技的成熟技術,透過創新的營運模式與整合上下游產業資源,共同創造台灣新藍海策略。未來全球老年化人口的快速成長,會使得各個產業投入龐大人力及資源於遠距醫療及居家照護之市場,無線醫療網路是遠距醫療及居家照護市場的核心,其必然會依科技發展及消費者需求的轉變而逐步發展出成熟的商業模型。此一商業模型中包括服務類及科技類廠商如百略、友訊及明泰科技等,是本商業模型中關鍵技術、服務與產品的提供者。本文希望藉由探討無線醫療網路商業模型的可行方案來為台灣的廠商找出一個藍海策略,使其能為客戶創造附加價值及為本身創造利潤。這將是本論文之最大貢獻。
This research dedicates to explore the feasibility for business operational model of wireless medical network and seek future blue ocean strategy in the medical industry. Through well-developed technology in communication, innovative operational model and integrating upstream and downstream business resources, we can create new blue ocean strategy for Taiwan. All the industries will consistently invest considerable capital and human resource in research and design of the wireless medication and home health care due to the rapid-growing aging population around the world. Medical wireless networks will be the core of wireless medication and home health care market. The wireless medication business model will gradually shape up according to the technology development and consumer demand. Technology, service and product manufacturers like Microlife, D-Link and Alpha Networks, will be the key providers within the business model. In this paper, by creating and delivering unique value to the customer, we hope to obtain a higher level of profitability as manufacturers. It will be the most significant contribution to this research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis