Title: 企業兩岸分工模式之研究-以中小尺寸LCM模組廠為例
A Study of the across the Strait : Case Study of a Small-medium Size LCM Manufactory Company
Authors: 王慶芳
Keywords: 企業資源規畫(ERP);兩岸分工;產能規劃;知識管理;液晶顯示器;即時監控;Enterprise Resource Planning;Division of Labor Models;Capacity Planning;Knowledge Management;liquid crystal display;real-time monitor
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 在兩岸分工的趨勢下,許多企業都快速的將已經成熟或是低階的製造加工作業,移轉到人工成本較低的中國大陸製作,這將使原本的生產模式產生莫大的轉變,包含原料的管控、資訊的傳遞、技術的移轉、人員的管理等問題,因此本研究以一成功進行兩岸分工生產的企業為主,以製造的層面切入,解析個案公司之海內外量產管理技術,希望可以了解該管理規劃模式該如何進行以及可能遭遇到的問題,可供後續研究參考。 經由本論文的探討與歸納之後,可以發現若要進行兩岸分工的生產模式,導入強而有力的IT系統是刻不容緩的,透過IT的即時技術,不僅可以讓所有間接人員的工作負擔減輕,並可以讓生產的資訊得以正確及透明化。除此之外,因為資訊的完整、正確以及即時性,可以讓產能規劃的工作隨之成為簡單、易於彈性調配的工作;此外,在組織內知識累積、技術移轉等方面,透過簡單易用的知識管理資料庫以及適當的激勵管理方式,可以讓整個跨國生產的管理作業易於執行。
Because of tendency towards division of labor models, many enterprises in Taiwan move their factories to China for the reason that matured or low end production needs cheap labor cost in China. The production model becomes more complicated including material control and monitor, information transmission, technology transfer, and employee management. This study uses a case which has division of labor models to analyze how case to manage its factories and its production between China and Taiwan. The research results can provide insights for researchers and managers who want to know the planning in this case. The research findings show that division of labor models needs powerful information systems to real time monitoring the production between China and Taiwan. These information systems enhance the production efficiency and flexibility in order management. On the other hand, knowledge accumulation and transformation can base on organizational knowledge management activities and commendation to encourage employees sharing their knowledge. These activities can shorten the problem solving time by previous experience and improve the productivity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis