標題: 以SIPOC流程導向方式執行ISO 9001:2000品質管理系統-以採購管理為例
With SIPOC process approach to implement the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System – A case study on purchasing management procedure.
作者: 陳星義
關鍵字: ISO 9001:2000;品質管理系統;流程導向;流程績效;採購管理;ISO 9001:2000;Quality Management System;Process approach;Process Performance;Purchasing Management
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 摘要

在供應鏈全球化的過程中,供應商已由過去的地域供應商擴大至全球供應商。隨著中國大陸經濟政策及市場的開放,大陸挟其低廉成本之優勢,儼然已成為「世界的工廠」,這對大部分以代工為主的台灣產業造成極大的衝擊,亦造成臺灣產業大量西進大陸,而使得台灣面臨產業空洞化的危機。為維持台灣產品的優勢,追求高品質是台灣產業應積極達成的目標,而產品品質的提升,需憑藉一套優良嚴謹的管理系統,ISO 9000系列品質管理系統即是一套廣為各國產業所採用之國際品質系統。ISO 9000系列品質管理系統自1987年頒行以來,許多公司均依據ISO 9000系列之要求建立其品質系統及改善產品品質。然而隨著ISO 9001:2000的問世,對許多過去通過ISO 9001/9002/9003:1994認證的廠商造成極大的衝擊。各公司除要對其現有之品質管理系統進行調整以因應ISO 9001:2000更新版外,尚需藉由此次品質管理系統之更新而讓組織能更有效的改善其舊有的問題。「流程導向(Process approach )」是ISO 9001:2000強調的重點之ㄧ,亦是ISO 9000:2000所鑑別出品質管理八大原則中之一項,因此如何活用流程導向讓組織之品質管理系統獲得實質之改善且符合 ISO 9001:2000之要求,此為本研究之主要目的。本研究將流程導向實際運用於品質管理系統中,藉由流程化及流程績效管理的方式建立一套符合 ISO 9001:2000要求之完整的品質管理系統,以達到持續改善產品品質之目的。本研究最後以台灣某公司採購管理程序為個案,來說明本研究之可行性及有效性。
Because of the globalization of the supply chain, most of the enterprises expanded their suppliers from regional suppliers to global suppliers. Moreover, with the advantage of cheap cost, China’s economics has developed rapidly. Consequently, China becomes '”the factory of the world “. This fact causes a great impact on the industry of Taiwan, which relies mainly on the Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) business model. A large number of Taiwanese firms have already moved to China. Taiwan is facing the industry's cavity crisis now. In order to compete with the Chinese business market, industry in Taiwan needs to enhance the product quality; In this case, a fine quality management system is very important. The ISO 9000 quality management system is a collection of various international quality systems which are adopted by industries of many countries. Since the ISO 9000 series was first introduced in 1987, many companies or manufacturers have proved their products’ quality by obtaining certifications of ISO 9000 series. However, as the ISO 9001:2000 , the revised version of ISO 9000 series, was published, companies need to adjust their management system to meet the new requirements of ISO 9001:2000. This has a great impact on company’s management system. Companies need to set up a competitive quality management system to obtain the real benefits through implementing the system of ISO 9001:2000. Process approach is one of the eight quality management principles on which the quality management system standards of the revised ISO 9000:2000 series are based. Therefore, the objective of this study is to employ the process approach to enhance a company’s quality management system to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. In other words, this study develops a complete procedure utilizing process approach and performance management to continuously improve the quality activities so that companies may obtain a real improvement in their products’ quality. A real case from a purchasing management procedure of a Taiwanese company is utilized to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system.