標題: 半導體廠設備監控系統與電腦整合製造系統之整合探討--以X公司為例
A Study of Integrating FAB Equipment Monitoring System and CIM System--using X company as example
作者: 李建維
Der-Baau Perng
關鍵字: 半導體廠;先進設備監控系統;電腦整合製造;企業應用整合;FAB;semiconductor;AEC;CIM;EAI
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本論文藉由深度參與相關計畫及訪談調查半導體產業具代表性公司,搜集相關文獻,並以限制理論思考流程來分析半導體廠製造效率不彰、產生大量報廢產品的核心衝突,發現半導體廠若能導入先進設備監控系統,將能使半導體廠的製造效率產生良性循環,也就是更能做好品質管理、風險暨創新管理、人力資源管理,以及知識管理。本論文整理國內半導體廠大量報廢產品的原因,提出防範大量報廢產品的構想,歸納出先進設備監控系統所須具備的六個監控功能如下: 1. 變數即時監控系統 2. 設備常數比對系統 3. 異常警報偵測系統 4. 製程配方比對系統 5. 製程限制系統 6. 設備預防保養監控系統 為了實現此六個監控功能,本論文對過去相關研究中未深入探討的先進設備監控系統分類,實施規格與細節,以及全廠性整合之部份,做深入的探討,透過企業應用整合技術,將此六個功能整合於半導體廠之電腦整合製造系統(CIMS)中,並提出實施規格、監控行動、無識別碼參數之解決方案,使電腦整合製造系統(CIMS)整合的內容更加完整。 本論文以具半導體產業代表性之個案X公司為例,導入先進設備監控(AEC)系統於電腦整合製造系統(CIMS)後,大量報廢之產品佔產出之比例在一年十個月期間內下降了約0.5%,並且可由系統防範產品報廢的監控標的持續被發現並應用,亦即每年在相近的投入下,將多出至少營業額之0.5%的永續性報酬,對公司長期獲利能力提昇甚巨。先進設備監控(AEC)系統透過企業應用整合(EAI)技術整合於電腦整合製造系統在半導體廠實施的效益已在本研究中獲得實證。期望本論文提出的全廠性整合的研究結論,能夠提供給後續研究及企業界做為參考。
In this thesis, the Theory of Constraints Thinking Process (TOC TP) was used to analyze the manufacturing process and historical wafer-scrapping data of semiconductor FABs. It comes to the conclusion that FAB will be brought into virtuous circle through inducing advanced equipment monitoring system. That is, quality management, risk and innovation management, human resource management, and knowledge management can be well done with the help of proper integration of advanced equipment monitoring system and computer integrated manufacturing system. According to historical wafer-scrapping data of FABs, this thesis came out six functions that ECS (Equipment Control System) should provide as follow: 1. VRTMS: Variable Real-Time Monitor System 2. ECCS: Equipment Constants Comparing System 3. FDS: FAULT Detection System 4. RCS: Recipe Comparing System 5. PCS: Process Constraint System 6. PMS: Preventive Maintenance System To realize the six functions, this thesis provided specifications, control actions, and solution to identify parameters without identification. The six functions were integrated with CIMS by means of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration), which makes up what the associated researches lack, say ECS classification and omni-FAB implementation. The proposed concept has been implemented in X-company, a representative FAB in Hsinchu Science-based Park, Taiwan. The wafer-scrapping ratio was reduced about 0.5% after one year and ten months’ operation, and the applied scrap-proof monitoring objects are increasing. The results supported the proposed concept of integrating advanced equipment monitoring system with computer integrated manufacturing system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis