标题: 消防专技人员教育训练实施现况探讨与改进方案之研究-以退辅会训练中心为例
The Present Stage Study and Improve Proposal For Training Education of Fire Professional Technicians In case of“Training Center of Veterans Affair Commission”
作者: 周孙明
Chou, Sun-Ming
Chen, Chiun-Hsun
关键字: 消防专技人员;教育训练;退辅会训练中心;Fire Safety Professionals;Pre-Servicing Training;Vocational Training Center in Veterans Affairs Commissions
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 摘 要

本研究藉由消防专技人员在退辅会训练中心受训中,对训练过程之课程、师资、设备、教材等因素进行问卷调查与探讨,找出问题所在模型,来辅助训练评估决策。本研究主要汇集相关的研究与相关文献,再利用Microsoft Excel 及SPSS for Windows 13.0 套装软体统计及分析回收之问卷,以达成研究目的。期能建立一套完善且更适用的消防工程人员训练模式,供改进训练品质及后续研究之参考。

With the development of the times and improving quality of life, people's lives and property have been seriously considered. As an unexpected fire incident is encountered, the fire could be sensed and put off effectively via active fire-fighting facilities to prevent causing serious consequences. Nevertheless, how these fire-fighting facilities could be executed and functioned timely and reliably should rely on effective inspection and mataintenace periodically by Fire Safety professionals. We can see that a capable and well-trained fire safety professional plays an important role for the fire safety of the society. The pre-servicing training for fire safety professionals has been implemented for more than ten years and thus it is the time for the competent authorities and the training unit to review and improve the effectiveness of the training program and system.

This research probes into case study and questionnaire investigation on fire safety professionals who had been trained in Vocational Training Center in VAC to find out the probable problems and defects of the training program so that to draw up a better training plan and strategy for the candidates for fire safety professionals. This study collects relevant researching papers and articles, and then analyzes the questionnaire data through Microsoft Excel as well as SPSS Windows 13.0 programs in order to build up a comprehensive and applicable training model for fire safety professionals.

The summary of research findings is as follows:
1. The training program should focus on strengthening practical operation to meet the employment need.
2. Practical training material, Test difficulty, Course hours, and Teaching material are the four parts that need to be reviewed and improved most.
3. As to the satisfaction, the item “The professional knowledge, I learnt in the training program, is the most useful part to my current job” gets fully satisfy.
4. If the follow-up study could focus on individual interview with specialists and observes the training courses systematically then the further study will definitely provide a long-term benefit for the training program for fire safety professionals.