Title: 消防專技人員教育訓練實施現況探討與改進方案之研究-以退輔會訓練中心為例
The Present Stage Study and Improve Proposal For Training Education of Fire Professional Technicians In case of“Training Center of Veterans Affair Commission”
Authors: 周孫明
Chou, Sun-Ming
Chen, Chiun-Hsun
Keywords: 消防專技人員;教育訓練;退輔會訓練中心;Fire Safety Professionals;Pre-Servicing Training;Vocational Training Center in Veterans Affairs Commissions
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 摘 要 由於時代的進步與生活品質的提升,人民的生命財產也相形被重視,當不預期的情況下發生火災,將會造成難以預測的嚴重後果,此時就只有靠主動式消防設備去感知與撲滅。然而養兵千日用於一時的消防設備,該如何能適時又可靠的發揮其應有之功能呢?此時即需要憑藉專業的消防專技人員的檢修與維護保養,然而消防工程的專業人員如何養成訓練?主管機關與訓練單位就應深入了解。目前消防專技錄取人員的訓練制度實施已有十餘年,當務之急是需要檢討與改進其訓練成效的時機了。 本研究藉由消防專技人員在退輔會訓練中心受訓中,對訓練過程之課程、師資、設備、教材等因素進行問卷調查與探討,找出問題所在模型,來輔助訓練評估決策。本研究主要彙集相關的研究與相關文獻,再利用Microsoft Excel 及SPSS for Windows 13.0 套裝軟體統計及分析回收之問卷,以達成研究目的。期能建立一套完善且更適用的消防工程人員訓練模式,供改進訓練品質及後續研究之參考。 研究的結果摘要如下: 1.訓練課程應加強以就業需求的消防設備師、士實務訓練與操作為主。 2.以課程教材實用性、考題難易度、課程時數、教材內容四項為最需要改善的部份。 3.在消防設備師士筆試及格後訓練滿意度方面,以「我所受的專業知識訓練,對我目前工作是有幫助」為最滿意。 4.故後續相關研究若能輔以深度專家與個別訪談及長期觀察,並系統式的記錄參與訓練課程的工作內容,將對訓練有長期的助益,使研究結果更具參考價值。
Abstract With the development of the times and improving quality of life, people's lives and property have been seriously considered. As an unexpected fire incident is encountered, the fire could be sensed and put off effectively via active fire-fighting facilities to prevent causing serious consequences. Nevertheless, how these fire-fighting facilities could be executed and functioned timely and reliably should rely on effective inspection and mataintenace periodically by Fire Safety professionals. We can see that a capable and well-trained fire safety professional plays an important role for the fire safety of the society. The pre-servicing training for fire safety professionals has been implemented for more than ten years and thus it is the time for the competent authorities and the training unit to review and improve the effectiveness of the training program and system. This research probes into case study and questionnaire investigation on fire safety professionals who had been trained in Vocational Training Center in VAC to find out the probable problems and defects of the training program so that to draw up a better training plan and strategy for the candidates for fire safety professionals. This study collects relevant researching papers and articles, and then analyzes the questionnaire data through Microsoft Excel as well as SPSS Windows 13.0 programs in order to build up a comprehensive and applicable training model for fire safety professionals. The summary of research findings is as follows: 1. The training program should focus on strengthening practical operation to meet the employment need. 2. Practical training material, Test difficulty, Course hours, and Teaching material are the four parts that need to be reviewed and improved most. 3. As to the satisfaction, the item “The professional knowledge, I learnt in the training program, is the most useful part to my current job” gets fully satisfy. 4. If the follow-up study could focus on individual interview with specialists and observes the training courses systematically then the further study will definitely provide a long-term benefit for the training program for fire safety professionals.
Appears in Collections:Thesis