標題: 既有易燃性液體儲槽場所性能改善評估研究-以異丙醇儲槽為例
An evaluation study on the performance improvement of existed flammable/combustible liquid storage site;take Isopropyl Alcohol as an example
作者: 許炎邦
Hsu, Yeng-Pang
關鍵字: 公共危險物品;性能式改善評估;等效替代;Public hazardous materials;an evaluation for performance improvement;equivalent replacement
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文主要目的係探討國內高科技廠既有易燃性液體(第四類公共危險物品)儲槽場所在國內現行法規「公共危險物品及可燃性高壓氣體設置標準暨安全管理辦法」之適法性問題,面對法規之溯及既往且輕則罰款、重者停業之罰則,嚴重衝擊產業之營運,期能建立一套兼具合乎法令規定、確保安全有效、合理工程技術等目標的性能式改善評估模式,提供產、官在執法溝通上更有效及彈性的空間。 本研究首先搜集國內、外易燃性液體相關法規及文獻加以探討,並針對危險物品及消防法規對儲槽場所要求之安全規範及「等效替代」方案加以分析,整理成表單,應用在既設場所適法性問題實例檢討,提出可行改善方案,在適用於法規上有窒礙難行之處,透過「消防性能式設計」概念提出「危險物品性能式設計」模式,選擇國際上認同且適用之風險評估方法,驗證改善方案之有效性。 最後以「異丙醇」儲槽場所違反法規為實例,以強化其構造與設備之替代措施後,並先運用道氏火災係數(F&EI)實施初步量化危害分析,再篩選出較高風險單元實施HazOp節點分析,視分析結果風險等級高低再決定是否進一步執行失誤樹量化分析,將可行方案及分析報告列入改善計畫書。經HazOp節點分析結果之風險等級屬可接受範圍內,驗證此評估模式可突破條例式法規的限制,運用於危險物品場所改善案評估。
The main objective of this article is to investigate the law compliance issue of the currently existed storage site for flammable/combustible liquid (fourth category of public hazardous materials) in domestic hi-tech factory to current domestically implemented law of “The installation standard and safety management rules for public hazardous objects and flammable high pressure gas.” Facing with the retroactive nature of law and regulation and the penalties ranging from fine for light case to business suspension for serious one, we have to care about the serious impact on the business; we thus hope that an evaluation model for performance improvement that meets the law and regulation, ensuring safety and effectiveness and reasonable engineering technology, etc. can be set up so as to provide an efficient and flexible space of the communication and law enforcement between industry and authority. In this study, the law and regulation and literature for both domestics and oversea, which are related to flammable/combustible liquid, are collected for investigation first. In the mean time, the safety standards for the storage site of hazardous object as required by fire codes and the “equivalent replacement” project are analyzed and summarized into a table to be applied to the law-compliance issue of the existed site for case study. The feasible improvement project is then proposed. Furthermore, when it is found difficult to comply with the law, the ”performance design for hazardous materials” model based on the concept of “performance design for fire-compliance purpose” is proposed. Also the risk evaluation method that is internationally recognized and applicable is selected to verify the effectiveness of the improvement project. Finally, a case of “isopropyl alcohol” storage site, which was violated the law and regulation, was used as an example so as to reinforce the replacement of the structures and equipments. Meanwhile, Dow’s fire index (F&EI) was used to implement initial quantitative disaster analysis with units with higher risk was selected for the implementation of HazOp node analysis. Determined by the risk level of analyzed results, it will be decided whether further error tree quantitative analysis should be implemented, and eventually, feasible project and analysis report will be documented into the improvement report. After HazOp node analysis, the risk level was found within acceptable range, which confirms that this evaluation model can relieve the limitation of the regulatory law and be applied in the improvement evaluation of storage site for hazardous object.


  1. 651401.pdf

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