標題: TFT-LCD 廠離子植入機機台維修保養危害風險分析及資料庫建置與應用研究
The Database Setting Up and Application Research on Job Safety Analysis of Ion implantation in TFT-LCD Industry
作者: 翁寶玉
Chang Edward Yi
關鍵字: 離子植入機機台;維修保養;危害風險分析;Ion implantation;Job Safety Analysis
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本論文研究主要以光電廠離子植入機機台維修保養作業相關機台為對象,藉由與該廠經驗所累積的知識,並參考國內外相關法規及標準及整合環境與安全衛生管理系統架構,建置一套作業安全分析資料庫系統,讓同仁於設備維修保養時,瞭解每個作業步驟風險及藉由此作業安全分析依據風險評估找出高風險作業訂出管控措施。 本研究從四方面著手:第一主要是機台相關製程資料收集及並參照國內外相關法令及相關標準;第二主要藉由製程危害分析方法,將製程危害分析結果,分別有效歸納製程偏離、可能原因、可能危害後果、防護措施及風險等級等資料;第三藉由廠區實地與設備相關單位配合執行離子植入機機台維修保養作業安全分析,再配合進現場作業觀察,由三個量化的指標來判別此項作業危害風險高低是否為關鍵性作業,以增加其客觀性,並歸納出離子植入機機台維修保養自動檢查重點、注意事項及防護器具選用。第四主要建置作業安全分析資料庫系統,讓同仁系統化易於操作及統計分析。 光電製程所累積之多次腦力激盪研討的作業安全分析經驗,並參考國內外法規或標準,以提供該產業在維修保養中執行風險分析與診斷之應用,讓效率與效益發揮至最大。
The purpose of this study is to establish a job safety analysis data system for hazards from preventive maintenance of LCD industry implanter tools combining LCD industry experience, regulations and international requirements and standards, and ESH management systems. This system can make users to understand the risks from each preventive maintenance steps, identify critical steps and corresponding control measures. There are four steps to establish this system. First is to collect implanter tool process databank and reference with regulations and international requirements and standards. Second is to integrate process analysis results for the induction of process deviation, probable causes, preventive measures, and risk levels. Third is on site operation observation and job safety analysis cooperated with users. Identify critical steps and corresponding risk level by 3 quantification index and induct into self-inspection check items, notification, and PPE selection for preventive maintenance. Fourth is to establish job safety analysis data system for easier operation and statistic analysis. This study for job safety analysis of implanter preventive maintenance can be the reference of risk analysis and diagnosis for LCD industry preventive maintenance via cumulated brain storming experiences and regulations and international requirements and standards to maximize the efficiency and benefit.