标题: Gigabit乙太网路交换器堆叠协定之设计和实作
Design and Implementation of a Stacking Protocol for Gigabit Ethernet Switch
作者: 毛存圣
Tsun-Sheng Mao
Ying-Dar Lin
关键字: Gigabit Ethernet;stacking;VLAN;trunking;mirroring;Gigabit Ethernet;stacking;VLAN;trunking;mirroring
公开日期: 2004
摘要: 近年来,网路的使用量不断地以倍数成长,连接到网路的设备也一天一天地增加。因此,交换器不但要满足用户高速上网的需求也要满足连接网路的扩充性。此谓“扩充性”即能藉由堆叠多台交换器整合成为一台“大”交换器以增加埠数。Gigabit乙太网路交换器上之堆叠协定软体则是基于此一需求而发展的。堆叠协定软体的应用可使交换器系统达到更高的埠数,集中管理,更加模组化等优点。在本研究中,我们设计和实作了Gigabit乙太网路交换器上之堆叠协定软体。首先,藉着探讨堆叠交换器设计上的一些议题,包括延伸虚拟区域网路(VLAN),跨堆叠系统的Trunking及Mirroring,位址表的同步,系统的设定,及动态的增加或移除交换器设备等。接着根据三种可能的堆叠设定设计我们的堆叠协定。我们的堆叠协定以state-machine的方式设计,我们并且设计了Configuration Discovery Protocol (CDP),Event Notify Protocol (ENP),Data Transmit Protocol (DTP)三种协定跑在state-machine中。由实验的结果,可得知在功能上独立乙太网路交换器所有的功能在堆叠乙太网路交换器中都仍然能运作正常;而在效能上,堆叠乙太网路交换器也都几乎和独立乙太网路交换器相当接近,而达到增加埠数,弹性,扩充性等优点。
Network traffic volumes are accelerating quickly and more and more devices are connected to the network day by day. As a result, switch devices need to meet not only enterprise customers’ high-speed connectivity but also scalability for additional users joining the network. For the scalability, it means more ports can be added by “stacking” additional switches on top of one another with a common external interconnection; in effect, creating one big integrated switch. And stacking software on Gigabit Ethernet Switch is developed based on these requirements to provide many advantages including high port density, centralized management, redundancy, modularity, etc. In this work, we propose our design and implementation of the stacking software on Gigabit Ethernet Switch. We discuss some design issues for the stacking protocol including VLAN membership, trunking and port mirroring across the stacking system, L2 table synchronization, port accessibility, system configuration for the stack, runtime insertion or deletion switch devices and elaborate the stacking protocols for 3 kind of possible system configurations. The stacking software is run using a state machine mechanism and related protocols will be run on related states. For the experimental results, we can see Gigabit Ethernet switch system with the stacking protocol running on it has the same functionality and nearly the same performance with the standalone Gigabit Ethernet switch device to provide high port density, flexibility, and scalability.