Title: | 航運公司與海運承攬運送業者對服務品質認知差距之研究 An empirical Study on Service Quality Gap of Marine Transportation Service between Maritime Liner and Ocean Freight Forwarder |
Authors: | 黃寬正 Kuan-Chen Huang 陳光華 Quang-Hwa Chen 管理學院運輸物流學程 |
Keywords: | 服務品質;海運;PZB;SERVQUAL;Service Quality;Marine Transportation;PZB;SERVQUAL |
Issue Date: | 2005 |
Abstract: | 船舶大型化趨勢下,航商亦不斷藉由購併、聯盟或聯營等方式擴展營運版圖,加上資訊科技的進步,為國際貿易帶來更迅速且完整的資訊服務,因此各家船公司在硬體的架構上,已無明顯的差異;各航運公司在面臨強大競爭壓力下,皆以高服務品質的行銷方法,以受顧客長期的青睞,創造航運公司的獲利空間,這已成為行銷領域中重要觀念。 本研究依據PZB 缺口模式為架構,以SERVQUAL 量表為衡量定期貨櫃航運服務品質中「缺口五」與「缺口一」之工具,運用SPSS 統計套裝軟體,對回收之有效問卷進行統計分析。 從本研究中可以印證: 一. 定期櫃航運服務的整體服務品質,在顧客的「期望」與「實際」 所認知與感受的服務品質,有程度上的差異存在。 二. 在「顧客期望的服務品質」和「A航運業者對顧客所期望服務」 認知水準方面,亦有程度上的差異。 三. 在PZB五大服務品質構面中,不同年資、職位的受訪者,與不同 成立年代、資本額、員工人數、經營業態、營業額及進出口量的 顧客,對其實際所感受到的定期貨櫃航運服務水準有明顯的差 異。 四. A定期貨櫃航運公司,對其顧客所期望之定期貨櫃航運服務品質 水準之分析,除不同學歷職員在可靠性構面呈顯著差異外其;在 性別、年齡、服務年資及職務屬性上,在PZB五大服務品質構面 中,並無顯著差異;故A定期貨櫃航運公司的員工對顧客期望的 認知上,均呈一致的看法。 Under the ships large-scale tendency, the shipowners unceasing expand their territories by acquisition, consociation or joint venture, in addition the advancement of science and technology brings rapider and more complete information service for the international trade, therefore, there are no obvious differences in hardware facilities of each shipping lines. In order to satisfy customers and make more profits, it is very important for shipping companies to adopt marketing strategies and provide high quality service under the competitive pressure. The frame of this research is based on PZB Gap Model. SERVQUAL measure table is the tool to evaluate the service quality of marine containerization liner between “Gap 5” and “Gap 1”. The SPSS statistics software is applied to analyze the effective questionnaire. According to the research, it can indicate that: 1. Customers have discrepance on the expectation and reality of the service quality of maritime liner. 2. The service quality that customers expect and A marine liner provided for depended on customer’s anticipation are diverse. 3. After analyzing it by PZB, customers either in different seniority and position or in different establishment, capital, employees, management, turnover, and import & export quantity feel the differences between expectation and reality of service quality. 4. After customer expectation analysis on the service quality of maritime liner, A marine company found there was no significant difference on customers’sex, age, experience,and official rank in the models of Tangibles, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy,except customers’ educational background in Reliability model. Therefore, the employees of A marine company have the same opinion on customer expectation. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/80196 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |