DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHsing-Hsuan Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Min-Chiuan Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract由於科技之進步與產業越趨激烈之競爭,企業為求長久經營確保其競爭上之優勢,已經是企業營運上最重要之課題。尤其是位居台灣之企業,除了要面對國內產業之近距離競爭壓力,在國際市場上亦要與競爭對手一較長短。以目前產業經營實務來看,除了成本之議題外,最具有關鍵影響力的因素就是企業所擁有之智慧財產權。 最近經濟全球化之發展與中國大陸經濟之快速起飛,對我國產業之發展帶來嶄新的方向與思考,更為兩岸之交易狀況開立新局。在此趨勢下,跨國界、高技術性之交易凸顯智慧財產權保護之重要性與高難度。而企業智慧財產權之保護,已被普遍視為企業管理極為重要之一環。尤其其他智慧財產權(如專利、商標、著作權等)之保護範圍、時效性、所需成本之差異等,使得越來越多企業選擇以營業秘密保護其智慧財產權。 本文從探討營業秘密保護之相關概念、發展情形、國際規範(Paris Convention, WIPO, TRIPS & NAFTA)為出發,面對兩岸人才投資、技術交流頻繁的趨勢下,高科技企業經營發展時應如何保護企業之智慧財產權(營業秘密),並以我國營業秘密保護相關之規定及司法上見解與中國之法制規定作分析比較,進一步討論兩岸營業秘密法規範與見解之差異及兩岸規範衝突時之處理,並參考美國先進且全面之營業秘密保護相關立法與判例加以分析。另外,對營業秘密保護與競業禁止關聯性與問題有全面性之瞭解及分析實務上競業禁止條款對企業營業秘密保護之影響,最後對「敏感科學技術保護法」之立法事件及背景做相關說明,以分析提昇高科技管制與兩岸營業秘密保護調和之方式。 由本文研究探討我國、中國與國際業秘密保護之現狀與問題,瞭解高科技業秘密保護之措施,釐清競業禁止約定之有效性及其範圍,並分析敏感科學技術保護法之立法必要性與範圍,並藉由若干實務案例之探討,而對營業秘密之保護在實務上及立法上提出相關之建議,能為從事兩岸營運之企業界做為考量,並爲主管機關修訂及施行兩岸法律合作方向之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the rapid development in technology and serious competition among the hi-tech companies, the need for these companies to maintain the “competitive advantages” for their operation and future growth is getting to be a major issue of company’s operation. Especially for the Hi-tech companies located in Taiwan, they have been surviving from critical competitions, either to challenge against the local competitors or to fight against the foreign companies. Under the current industrial circumstance, other than the cost and labor concerns, the most controlling factor of Taiwan companies’ advantage is the intellectual properties (“IP”) the companies have been creating and developing. Recently, due to the globalization of world market and the tremendous growth of China’s economy, it appears Taiwan government and industries have encountered the brand new situation and opportunity in the cross-strait transactions. Under such circumstance, the international and technology-oriented transaction has increased the importance and difficulty of protecting the IP. Compared with the protection scope, effective duration and cost effiency of other IPs (i.e. patent, trademark & copyright), the protection of trade secret has been selected and regarded as the major method of ensuring the corporate competive advantages. Based on the nature of Taiwan’s Trade Secret Law and U.S. Regulations and International Treaties, this study comparatively analyzes: 1. the fundamental concept developing trend and international regulation(i.e. Paris Convention, WIPO, TRIPS & NAFTA)of protecting the trade secret. 2. The efficient method for the hi-tech companies to protect the trade secret. 3. The similarity and distinction of the protection content and level among the relevant trade secret regulations of Taiwan & China. 4. The reference to the U.S. related laws and regulations. 5. The impact and balance of the noncompetiton clause as the precaution of protecting trade secret. 6. The necessity and comment on the sesitive technology protection law. 7. The suggestions for the coordination and protection of trade secret during the cross-strait transactions. Conclisively speaking, this thesis is intended to provide the analytical commentary and suggestions on the precautions, legislations, enforcement and cooperations of trade secret-for the Governments, Hi-tech companies in Taiwan & China to implement the practicality of taking steps towards more effective protection of trade secret in cross-strait transactions.en_US
dc.subjectTrade serect protectionen_US
dc.subjectCommerial secreten_US
dc.subjectSensitive Technology Protection Lawen_US
dc.titleA Study of Protection of Trade Secret and Non-competition Clause across the Taiwan-Strait-The Commentary on Sensitive Technology Protection Lawen_US