標題: 思考風格幅度對規劃與實際搜尋目標的影響
The Impacts of Thinking Styles Level on Planned and Acture Search Targets
作者: 張政隆
Cheng-Lung Chang
Chuen-Tsai Sun
關鍵字: 思考風格;搜尋目標;搜尋行為;網路導覽流程圖;Thinking Style;search targets;search behaviors;navigation flow map
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 「搜尋」本身即是一種複雜的認知過程且具有個別差異,不同的個體就會有不同的搜尋策略表現,而搜尋策略的差異主要表現在「目標」與「行為」上。本文以思考風格做為個別差異的探討因子。因為思考風格和人的心理機制、偏好、習性、性格是非常有關的,因此本研究以思考風格幅度面向中的全面型與詳細型兩種風格為獨變項,探討不同思考風格的學生在搜尋策略上的差異,而搜尋策略則主要著重在搜尋目標與搜尋行為兩個依變項的探討。
In this paper the authors analyze user search strategies in terms of levels of thinking style (global versus local) that typify Web search strategy patterns. Since search results affect follow-up search strategy dynamics, users need to develop self-monitoring and evaluative skills. We therefore investigated user processes in terms of setting search targets, regulating those targets, and six quantitative indicators: number of keywords, browsed Web pages, maximum exploration depth, average depth of finding answers, revisited pages, and number of times to refine answers. Qualitative analyses of representative subjects in search strategy dynamics are also provided for further discussion.
Results indicate that a) a statistically significant relationship exists between thinking style and planned search targets, b) a statistically significant relationship exists between thinking style and acture search targets, c) that users with preferences for low-level global or local thinking styles are more likely to alter their search target type based on search results, and d) that users with different levels of thinking style perform significantly varied search behaviors—e.g., maximum exploration depth, revisited pages, and number of times to refine answers.
The findings suggest that individuals who use higher global styles tend to broaden their search targets to increase overall comprehension of search tasks, while those who use higher local styles tend toward elaboration on a smaller number of targets. In other words, higher global users are more prone to skimming and accepting less explicit answers, while those whose styles are either high local or a mix of high global and high local tend to elaborate on a smaller number of specific topics.


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