標題: 從休閒遊戲看思考風格對心流經驗的影響
The Influence of Thinking Style on Flow Experience in Casual Games
作者: 周松英
Chou, Sung-Ying
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
關鍵字: 心流經驗;自成目標經驗;思考風格;休閒遊戲;Flow;Autotelic;Thinking Style;Casual Game
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 一款簡單的遊戲,有些人會身陷其中,而有些人卻不會。本研究從M.Csikszentmihalyi的內在動機及最優經驗的角度來解讀這個現象,進而探討個體差異在人類尋求最佳生活品質這個重要課題中所扮演的角色。 本研究主要是在多人線上休閒遊戲情境中,以中介變項---自成目標經驗(Autotelic Experience)來探討玩家的思考風格對心流經驗的影響。 實驗設計排除外在動機低落的受測者,123名國一學生為有效樣本,以能力同質分組進行多人線上休閒遊戲,每位玩家都會在同一款休閒遊戲中,經歷兩類型(競速賽、道具賽)各三關卡挑戰程度不同的遊戲。並在遊戲中以事件觸發的經驗抽樣法調查玩家的心流狀態,以及在遊戲後以活動調查法了解玩家的心流感受,藉此進行心流經驗的測量;並以玩家進入心流(包含淺心流及深心流)的頻率來定義自成目標(Autotelic)群體,希望藉此了解遊戲過程中,玩家的思考風格與自成目標人格特質的關係,進而探討對心流經驗的影響。 研究發現從事一項活動時,思考風格的立法型傾向愈高者,愈容易形成自成目標人格特質,同時也會有較佳的心流感受;立法型、司法型傾向的程度會影響個體的心流狀態,使其心流感受也有所不同;行政型傾向則沒有任何相關性。功能型思考風格(立法、行政及司法型)傾向會影響個體歷經休閒活動時的心理品質,也是個體能否體驗心流經驗的重要因素。 關鍵字:休閒遊戲、思考風格、自成目標經驗、心流經驗
As to a simple game, some people are addicted to it, but some aren’t. Why? The research from M. Csikszenmihalyi’s point of views about intrinsic motivation and the optimal experience explores “individual difference” how to play a role in seeking for the best life quality. The research in the casual game explores the influence of thinking style on flow experience via autotelic experience. The experiment designs 123 grade 7 students with the similar ability as a valid sample. Each student in the same game will undergo racing and props games which have three different rounds each. Also, in the game, the research investigates players’ flow condition by event-contingent of ESM; after the game, it understands players’ flow state by active/survey. According to the two data above, they can survey players’flow experience. Besides, the research defines autotelic group by the frequency of the players into flow. Above all, by understanding the relationship between players’ thinking style and autotelic personality during the process of the game, the research explores the influence of flow experience. The research finds out that as players work on an activity, the higher tendence the legislative thinking style players have, they can more easily get autotelic personality, at the same time, have better flow state. Further, the degree of tending to legislative and judicial players can affect players’ flow condition and result in different flow state; and there is no relation in the executive tendence. Finally, functional thinking style tendence can predict the individual’s physical quality when they undergo a casual game, and it can be a crucial key to see if the individual can experience flow experience. Keywords:Casual games、Thinking style、Autotelic experience、Flow experience


  1. 352701.pdf
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