標題: 學習風格對網路搜尋行為與策略的影響
The Learning Styles on Web Searching Behaviors And Strategies
作者: 王昭傑
Chao-Chieh Wang
Chuen-Tsai Sun
關鍵字: 學習風格;搜尋行為;搜尋策略;Learning style;Web searching behavior;Web searching strategies
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 搜尋是一種從面對學習任務至完成任務的過程行為,亦是一種學習過程。搜尋本身即是一種複雜的認知過程且具有個別差異,同樣一件搜尋任務,不同的人就會有不同的搜尋策略。由於個別差異的不同,所造成的影響就非常廣。本研究以「學習風格」做為個別差異的分析重點,探討不同學習風格的學生在搜尋策略和行為上的差異及發現。 研究對象為新竹縣某國小六年級學生,先實施學習風格問卷,接著進行開放式任務搜尋,並針對搜尋過程中的五項行為指標及搜尋後策略運用的情形,進行統計分析。 研究結果發現: 一、學習風格中的隨機應變型、整體理解型在搜尋行為和策略中表現較佳。 二、網路搜尋行為和在網路搜尋策略的各向度指標關連性,使用一般直覺式的瀏覽會用較多的功能鍵,使用網路搜尋策略中的分析式策略,具有較多查詢問題的數目、問題採用的網頁。在已知網站的策略中,會有使用到較多的問題採用的網頁和較少查詢其它資訊。
Web searching is a process of behaving from facing a learning task to finishing the task, and also a process of learning. Web searching itself is a complex cognitive process and has variances among individuals. Hence, different people will implement various searching strategies even though they are doing the same task. Because of the variances among individuals, the different strategies may have significant impacts on the results of searching. This research focuses the individuals’ differences on learning styles and explores the distinctions and findings on searching strategies and behaviors for students with different learning styles. The subjects of this research were the six graders at some elementary school in Hsinchu County. First, a learning style survey was conducted. Secondly, the students were given open tasks to search on web. Finally, statistical analyses of five behavior indicators in their searching processes and of the use of strategies after their searching were made. The main findings are: 1.Among the students, those who are the adaptation learning style or the comprehension learning style have better performances in their searching behaviors and strategies. 2.The connections between web searching behaviors and strategies: those who are intuitive browsers would use more function keys, adopt the analytical searching strategy, and have higher numbers in inquiring questions and websites searched. Those who adopt the browsing known website strategy would tend to use more inquiring questions and search more homepages, but inquire less on other information.


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