标题: 物件導向學習序列模型系統之建置
Building a System for Object Oriented Learning Sequencing Model
作者: 張書源
Shu-Yuan Chang
关键字: 學習順序;序列物件;序列規則;分享內容元件參考模型;Learning Sequence;Sequence Object;Sequencing Rule;SCORM
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 目前許多國內外教學組織與學術單位皆投入大量人力與資源,發展了許多功能強大的學習系統。但由於每一種學習系統使用的教學資源格式皆有其獨特性,因此也造成各系統之間無法有效分享教學資源。有鑒於此,許多國際組織與單位提出了多種規範標準,其中,SCORM利用metadata定義每一個教材物件的結構,並利用XML的格式來表示整個教學計畫與其中的教學物件,為目前網路教材規範的主流。近年來雖然許多商業公司開發出不少SCORM的編輯工具,但是對於老師或是教學設計者而言,要了解SCORM複雜的行為設定,甚至是編輯想要的教學流程都是非常困難的事。在本篇論文中,我們利用Object Oriented Methodology(物件導向方法),建立學習流程模組系統,透過將這些編輯好的學習流程情境儲存成流程模型(Sequence Objects)方式,讓老師可以重複編輯或再利用學習流程。另外也提供圖形化的教材學習流程設計介面,將抽象的學習流程轉化成較簡單的活動樹(Activity Tree)的方式顯示與編輯。根據實驗的結果,OOSM可以根據各種不同課程的需要,利用定義好的課程序列重組出需要的教材結構;同時由於教材標準一直不斷的在革新跟改進,以物件導向方式建立的序列物件可以隨時透過繼承的方式,產生新的定義,具備有使用的彈性與可擴充性。
Many teaching organizations and academic units worldwide have invested tremendous manpower and resources to develop various powerful learning systems. However the uniqueness of each teaching resource format caused the inefficiency of teaching resources sharing across different systems. As a result, a lot of international organizations proposed its e-learning standard; so far the most popular one is introduced by SCORM, which utilized metadata to define the structure of every teaching object and make use of XML format to display the whole teaching program and objects. Though recently a lot of enterprises had developed many editing tools of SCORM, it remains very difficult for teachers and training program designers to understand the complicated set up as well as for editors who care about the teaching procedures. In this thesis, the Object Oriented Methodology is applied to create an Object-Oriented Sequencing Model, which is then used to save edited training procedure as Sequence Objects so that teachers can repeat editing or utilize learning procedures over times. In addition, the Object Oriented Methodology also offers graphical design interfaces to transform the abstract study procedure into a simpler Activity Tree for display and editing, which saves teacher’s working time for program designs. According to the experiment results of CRM courses, OOSM can restructure the training framework needed with defined course sequence based on various courses needs. Meanwhile, due to innovations and enhancements of training material standards, the sequential objects created by Object Oriented Methodology have usage flexibility and room for expansion to generate new definitions through inheritance anytime.


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