標題: 目標設定、主管對工作情緒與工作績效之影響
The Influences of Sales Target Setting and Direct Supervisor on Emotions and Sales Performance
作者: 郭安妮
Annie Kuo
Fang Tai Tseng
關鍵字: 目標設定;正向情緒;負向情緒;工作績效;工作壓力;工作情緒;Sales target setting;Positive emotion;Negative emotion;Working performance;Occupational stress;Working emotion
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 業務人員所遭遇的有形或無形的工作壓力,往往造成情緒上的直接或間接壓力。文獻指出組織如果能夠增強業務人員正向情緒,有效降低其負向情緒,業務人員才會樂於執行其工作職能。這是在競爭激烈的環境下,業績提升的重要關鍵。組織應設計有效的激勵制度,針對業務人員進行,將可事先防範業務人員失去工作動力,協助他們在穩定的情緒管理下,愉快工作、達成高成長的績效目標,帶動整個業務團隊的士氣。
1. 影響L公司業務人員工作績效主要因素,是工作目標亦即業績目標。業績目標越高,業務人員工作績效越高。
2. 業務人員的負向情緒與業績目標之間有顯著相關;正向情緒與業績目標之間關聯性較小。
3. 工作績效表現好的業務人員,會呈現持續高績效表現。
4. 業務人員工作情緒與其所屬區域業務組別有相關。
5. 業務人員的工作情緒與實際業績結果之間並無相關。
6. 業務人員的所屬區域業務組別,與實際業績結果之間並沒有相關。
The sales person’s emotion will be influenced as they face the work pressure. Literatures indicate that if the organization can effectively enhance their positive emotion and lower their negative emotion, the sales person tends to work efficiently. It might be the key success for an organization in such a highly competitive society. That usually results in the design of a motivation system in an organization.

This paper investigates the relationship between the sales target seeting, working emotion and the work performance for the sales persons. In other words, to answer that question that whether the positive and negative emotions work as mediators between sales target setting and sales performance. This research uses a questionnaire to collect data from the sales persons of the L company. Regression and the SEM (Structural Equations Model) methods are employed for analysis. The results are as follows.
1. The major determinant of the work performance in the L company is the sales target. The higher the sales target is set, the better the performance will be.
2. The negative emotion is significantly related to sales target, while the correlation between positive emotion and sales target is unsignificat.
3. The sales persons continue to remain high performance if they already have good performance.
4. The working emotions of the sales persons can be predicted by the responsiblity areas they belong to.
5. The working emotions are not related to the actual performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis