標題: 增光膜於有機發光二極體之設計與應用
Design and Fabrication of Array Light-Enhanced Layer for Organic Light-Emitting Diode Panel
作者: 陳明倫
Ming-Lung Chen
Han-Ping Shieh
關鍵字: 增光膜;有機發光二極體;面板;Array Light-Enhanced Layer;Organic Light Emitting Diode;Panel
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 由於有機發光二極體面板之玻璃層與空氣間的全反射現象導致其出光效率受到抑制,因此,本研究發展利用金字塔型的微結構陣列以有效提升有機發光二極體面板出光效率,此增光膜結構可有效地轉換全反射光線令入射角使之小於全反射角,以致於光線可耦合至空氣層。本文採用光學設計軟體(ASAP)模擬有機發光二極體及增光膜之特性,以尋求增光膜之最佳參數,並成功以半導體製程於晶圓上製作母模,再翻製高分子材料而完成增光膜,實驗亦證明此增光膜搭配優化之參數,可提升出光效率達2.03倍。
An array light-enhanced layer with the shape of pyramidal array (pyramidal ALEL) has been designed to increase the out-coupling efficiency of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panel. To optimize the profile of ALEL, Fresnel reflection effect was considered for the geometric ray tracing and the variables of the pixel spacing, the height and the tilt angle of pyramid were investigated. The simulation results showed that an OLED panel with the optimized pyramided ALEL yielded a gain factor of 1.7. ALEL is fabricated by the typical semiconductor fabrication and replication processs. It is recognized from the chromameter analyses that the structure of ALEL has the distinguished capability to eliminate the total internal reflection effect; therefore gain factor of OLED panel can be increased significantly. Optimized pyramidal ALEL produces higher light efficiency, a gain factor of 2.03. Thus, the result successfully demonstrated that the ALEL can greatly improve the OLED utilization efficiency.


  1. 652001.pdf

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