標題: 色序式彩色液晶顯示器之背光分區式光學裝置設計
Partitioned Optical Set-up for Spatial-temporal Scanning FSC LCD Backlight Unit
作者: 陳永志
Yung-Chih Chen
Chung-Hao Tien
關鍵字: 掃描式;色序式;指向性;分區;Scanning;Field-sequtential-color;Directivity;Partitioned
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 近年來,顯示器的影像品質已成為液晶顯示器在市場競爭力上的一個重要指標。此時研究也指出,分區式掃描的色序式彩色液晶顯示器在影像品質的改善上具有兩大優勢:一是動態影像模糊的降低;另一則是色彩飽和度的加強。然而,要實現這所謂的分區式掃描,顯示器必須要配有一個特殊架構的背光模組。此背光模組除了要能夠防止入射光在導光板中發生大量的滲透,還要能將入射光導引成高指向性的出射光。 本篇論文的重點即擺在被命名為「光準直橫條」的光學元件上。此元件主要是針對我們提出的背光架構來做設計與優化,它的用途是加強光的準直性,讓背光模組的出射光可以達到高指向性的訴求,以滿足分區式掃描的色序式彩色液晶顯示器所要達到的目標。
Recently, image quality has become the most important criterion that determines whether a liquid crystal display (LCD) owns competitive advantages in the consumer market. In the meantime, the spatial-temporal scanning field-sequential-color (FSC) display was studied that it can significantly improve the motion blur and the color rendering which are two of the major issues influencing the image quality of the LCD. However, to realize this so called “partitioned scanning” mechanism, a special configuration of the backlight module is needed. This special backlight module has to prevent the light penetration happening in the light guide; meanwhile, it needs to possess a high directivity on the light extraction. In this thesis, the main stress was put on the optical component, named light-collimating bar, which was designed and optimized to apply in our proposed backlight model for the requirement of high directivity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis