標題: 於Spice環境下之磁性元件模型的建立
A Modeling of Magnetic Components for Spice Environment
作者: 藍宗仁
Zong-Ren Lan
Lon-Kou Chang
關鍵字: 磁性元件;模型;磁滯;J-A;Spice;magnetic component;model;hysteresis;J-A;Spice
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 電路模擬現今已成為在電源轉換器的設計流程中重要的部份,而磁性元件在電源轉換器中是不可或缺的的元件。然而磁性材料的總類繁多,模擬軟體不見得有提供所使用的磁性材料模型。除此之外,模擬軟體通常只提供磁性元件的線性模型。因此這篇論文提供一個方法讓電路設計者能夠自行建立所使用的磁性材料模型,並且經由此模型可以表現出磁性材料的非線性現象。
Computer simulation has been an important tool in designing power converters. And the magnetic components are the required energy conversion devices in the converter circuits. However, there are multiple varieties of magnetic materials. Simulation library may not contain all the materials and the required physics. Therefore, this thesis provides a method for the circuit designers to establish their own models according to the concerned material characteristics including the nonlinear characteristics.
Jiles and Atherston model, denoted by J-A model, is used to build the hysteresis curve of magnetic materials. But the J-A model is usually built as a frequency independent one. In this thesis, the eddy current and excess effects are considered. Thus, the presented model has frequency dependent response. With the presented magnetic model, the inductance and multi-winding transformer models can be implemented easily. Finally the comparisons between the simulation results of the presented models and the measured results of the real transformers have been shown to evaluate the accuracy of the models.


  1. 254701.pdf

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