标题: 边界模式功率因数修正控制IC控制架构之研究与TDA4863晶片设计之电脑模拟分析
Study on the Control Architecture of Boundary Mode PFC ICs with Simulation-Oriented Design of the TDA4863
作者: 黄少军
关键字: 功率因数修正;边界模式;临界导通;晶片;积体化;类比乘法器;PFC;boundary;critical;transition;integrated circuit;analog multiplier
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 本论文针对低功率应用且目前所使用最普遍的边界模式PFC控制IC,分析其控制架构的特色优点,并且参考英飞凌公司的边界模式PFC IC TDA4863的规格,从系统规格需求的观点,以IC设计与实现为考量,探讨IC内部子电路规格对系统的影响。本论文重点在研究误差放大器之开路频宽与增益、乘法器增益和线性度、以及比较器之迟滞比较带宽度,在全域输入电压(90~265 VAC)皆可使用的条件之下,所受到一些IC电路实现上的限制以及对系统效能所造成的影响。在功率开关之闸极驱动缓冲电路的部份,本论文同时亦考虑功率损耗与传输时间延迟,做最佳化的分析与设计。
本文利用PSIM的系统模拟分析,探讨IC内部各个子电路的规格对系统功率因数、输入电流总谐波失真等的影响,从IC电路实现的角度为考量,藉以决定子电路的规格。根据分析整理,利用TSMC 0.35 μm制程设计一个应用于输出功率80 W、输出400 V的边界模式PFC控制IC,以功率因数超过97%且总谐波失真低于10%为一设计的依据,实现其误差放大器、乘法器、比较器、RS正反器以及闸极驱动缓冲电路,并使用Hspice模拟验证设计。为了观察电路实现所产生的特性差异,本论文分别以IC电路模拟为导向的Hspice与以功能方块模拟为导向的PSIM进行模拟,比较在理想情况与实际电路实现所产生的差异。本论文分析此PFC IC子电路实现限制与系统规格间的关系,在可接受的系统规格条件下,能够达到最佳化之设计目标。
This thesis focuses on control architecture of a boundary mode PFC IC based on TDA4863 which is generally used for the applications of low power. The effects of the sub circuit specifications on the PFC IC are analyzed to design and implement from system viewpoint. The thesis emphasizes to study the finite DC gain and bandwidth of the voltage error amplifier, gain and linearity of the multiplier and hysteresis band of the comparator, and analyzes the limitations of integrated circuit implementations and the affection to the system under the universal full rage (90 ~265 VAC). And then optimum design of the gate driver is presented that considers the power consumption and the propagation delay.
This thesis utilizes PSIM for system simulation to analyze the effects of the sub circuit on the PF and the input line current THD of the system, and considers the IC implementations to determine the specifications of the sub circuits. According to the analysis, a boundary mode PFC IC which is used for the application of output power 80 W and voltage 400 V is designed by TSMC 0.35 μm process. The implementations of the error amplifier, analog multiplier, comparator, RS flip-flop and the gate driver are utilized Hspice to verify the design that the power factor exceeds 97% and total harmonic distortion is lower than 10%. To observe the different characteristic of the circuit implementation, the nonideal effects of sub circuits from the Hspice results are compared with the ideal sub circuits from PSIM. According to the study and analysis of this thesis, the boundary mode PFC IC is easily implemented and optimum designed under the acceptable performance of the system.