標題: 多用戶無線多媒體通訊之節能式資源分配
Energy Efficient Radio Resource Allocation for Multiuser Multimedia Communications
作者: 邱泰翔
Tai-Hsiang Chiu
Yu T. Su
關鍵字: 資源分配;無線多媒體通訊;多用戶;Resource Allocation;Multiuser;Multimedia Communications;Energy Efficient
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本文旨在探討如何分配現有的無線電資源(傳輸功率、能量及通道數目)來滿足不同用戶之不同傳輸率之要求。我們考慮各通道之增益雜訊比(channel gain-to-noise ratio)之不同,推導出其功率、傳輸速率之最佳分配。這種分配可以最少功率或能量滿足各種多媒體不同傳輸速率的需求。我們也探討在固定總輸出能量或功率的限制下如何讓總傳輸率和(sum rate)最大。 在單一傳輸率要求的環境下,我們推導出最佳的公式解,根據這個公式我們提出兩種簡單的遞迴求解法來解決多種傳輸率的問題,第一種解法可得到近似最佳解,另一種則可保證得到最佳解。 在多傳輸率的情況,先前多媒體通訊資源分配的方法通常需要大量運算時間因此使得其在手持裝置上求最佳分配解變得不可行。我們的方法卻只要透過幾次迴圈就可以決定通道分配的矩陣,這個解法同時可用於單一和多重傳輸速率的多媒體傳輸應用上。除了運算簡單之外,更重要的是,這個演算法之性能和最佳解只有微小的誤差,使得此演算法深具吸引力。第二種解法稍為複雜,但可以保證找到最佳解。這兩種方法其複雜度皆遠低於現有求最佳解的方法,因此實用性極高。 我們並舉兩個應用的例子,第一個例子考慮了類似IEEE 802.16e的OFDMA下傳鏈,第二個應用例子則是區域合作式的上傳鏈。
This thesis is concerned with a dynamic radio resource allocation problem. Given the availability of multiple orthogonal channels and transmission rate requirements from various wireless network users, we are interested in a joint channel, power and rate assignment scheme that satisfies the multimedia multi-rate requirements with the minimum total power. For the mono-rate cases, we present a simple approach that gives a closed-form expression for the optimal solution. Based on this closed-form solution, we present two iterative algorithms that enable a transmitter to determine respectively a near-optimal and the optimal joint assignment scheme using the channel state information. Earlier resource allocation schemes often require computational intensive and time-consuming procedures to find the optimum solution, if exists, or suboptimal ones that makes them not very practical for mobile devices to implement. In contrast, our proposals are very efficient in terms of computing load and convergence rate. Furthermore, our approaches can also be used to solve a dual problem: that of maximizing the sum rate while satisfying the total power or energy constraint.


  1. 350501.pdf

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