標題: 建構以網際網路為基礎之教學實驗室
Construction of Internet-based Education Laboratory
作者: 江培瑄
Pey-Chine Jiang
Professor Yon-Ping Chen
關鍵字: 網際網路;倒立單擺;遠距教學;遠端控制;Internet;Inverted Pendulum;MATLAB engine;distance-learned
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 這篇論文提出一個允許來自不同地方的使用者可以執行線上模擬及透過網路操作實驗設備的遠端處理控制實驗室。在這個整合網路系統中,提供了一個容易使用IE(WWW)的介面供給使用者可以操作而不需要在使用者端安裝任何軟體,及提供一個實際的倒立單擺實驗設備可以讓使用者把已設計好的PID參數透過網路來執行及驗證,和影像伺服器及CCD來提供執行的影像給使用者。使用在這篇論文中所提出的架構,不管主要的伺服器及每個E-labs之間的距離多遠這個整合網路系統都可以容易地被擴充及建立。因此,一個無邊界的教學用實驗室就可以被建立而且也可以方便地供人使用。這個遠端控制實驗可以在http://網址下執行。
This paper presents the construction of a remote-accessed control experiment laboratory, which allows the users from everywhere to run the simulation online and to perform control experimental devices via Internet. In this integrated network system, the user friendly interface, IE (WWW), is supplied to the user facilely to operate without installing any software in the client user side, the actually experimental device, inverted pendulum, is provided for the user to operate the experiment using the designed PID parameters, and image server and cameras are offered the user to view the execution result. Using the proposed architecture in this paper, the integrated system could be easily expanded and set up no matter how the distance between the main server and E-labs is. Thus, a boundless education laboratory could be established and conveniently used by the users. The remote experiments could be executed from


  1. 253001.pdf

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