標題: 光學玻璃透鏡熱壓成形之模具最佳化設計
Die Shape Optimization on Molding Process of Optical Glass Lens
作者: 吳宗駿
Tsung-Chun Wu
Chinghua Hung
關鍵字: 最佳化;玻璃;透鏡;熱壓;模具;有限元素;分析;optimization;glass;lens;hot forming;die;finite element;analysis
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 光學玻璃透鏡的需求隨著光電科技產品的發展而日益增加。對於光學玻璃材料而言,熱壓成形技術相對於傳統的研磨拋光技術,擁有許多優勢,可達成節省成本且量產的目的。然而,光學玻璃透鏡熱壓成形仍然有許多必須克服的難題,如玻璃透鏡成品的尺寸誤差會影響鏡片的成像品質等等。 本論文主要分成兩個部分,第一部份為利用有限元素分析軟體,以熱偶合分析的方式模擬玻璃透鏡熱壓的過程。第二部份則建立一模具補償的最佳化系統,自動化連結有限元素分析軟體與最佳化程式。利用有限元素分析的結果,作為最佳化設計的條件,其中以原始設計尺寸與玻璃透鏡成品之間誤差的均方根值為目標函數,期望能有效的減少誤差的比率,提高透鏡成品的品質。
Demand of optical glass lens is progressively increasing with the development of optical and electrical products. As far as the optical glass material is concerned, lens molding technique, compared with the conventional glass lens grinding and polishing process, has lots of advantages, like much simplified manufacture process and dramatically reduction of cost and waste. However, there still exist several difficulties needed to be overcome, such as the shape deviations of the final lens products that may influence the qualities of optical image. This thesis is primarily divided into two parts. The first one is to simulate the glass lens molding process using thermal-mechanical coupled analysis with the finite element method. The second part is to construct a die shape optimization system in order to compensate automatically for the shape deviations of the lens products so that the errors can be reduced efficiently. Once the deviations of the lens products have been minimized, the aim of mass production for lens molding of optical glass can be accomplished.
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