標題: 數種框筒結構分析方法之研究比較
Comparison of Several Approximate Methods of Framed-Tube Structures
作者: 劉信宏
Hsin-Hung Liou
Gin-Show Liou
關鍵字: 框筒結構;剪力延遲效應;負剪力延遲效應;等效連續筒分析;SAP2000;Framed-Tube Structure;Shear Lag Effect;Negative Shear Lag Effect;Equivalent Continuous Tube Approximate Method;SAP2000
公開日期: 2007
摘要:   框筒結構為一種經濟合理的結構形式,在高層結構中得到廣泛的應用。框筒結構的基本形式是由結構外圍的密集柱與深梁所組成。由於梁柱構件本身有限的撓曲和剪力勁度,使得在水平荷載下框筒結構的受力變形不像由連續板構成的筒狀結構,框筒結構會產生剪力延遲效應。由於剪力延遲效應使得結構物不能充份發揮本身既有的勁度,所以本論文主要在探討框筒結構的剪力延遲效應。   在框筒結構分析方法中,本論文分別使用結構分析程式SAP2000以及等效連續筒近似分析方法考慮剪力延遲效應的影響與改良分析結果精度,並相互比較SAP2000與近似分析之成果。   另一方面,本論文亦討論不同結構形式下,如方形框筒結構、圓形框筒結構以及加斜撐的框筒結構的剪力延遲效應。
  Framed-tube structure is an economical structural type and widely used in high-rise buildings. The framed-tube structure is formed by closely spaced perimeter columns that are connected by deep spandrel beams. As a result of the finite stiffness of the column and beam elements, the primary mode action of a framed-tube structure under lateral forces is not that of a conventional cantilevered tube. Shear lag effect in the perimeter frames of framed-tube structure will occur under the action of lateral forces. Therefore, the framed-tube structure can not fully exploit the potential stiffness and strength. This thesis is to analyze shear lag effect on the stiffness of the framed-tube structure and to discuss the behavior of the framed-tube structure under shear lag effect.   Several approximate methods of framed-tube structure and method using SAP2000 are compared each other in order to understand the shear lag effect on framed-tube structure. The shear lag effect of different structural types, such as square, circular and braced framed-tube structures is further discussed in this thesis.


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