標題: 內縮形式框筒結構側向勁度加強分析
Parametric study for lateral stiffnesses of strengthened Tubular Structures with Pyramid-like Shape
作者: 楊孟翰
Yang, Meng-Han
Liou, Gin-Show
關鍵字: 框筒結構;剪力延遲效應;剛臂支架;SAP2000;Framed-Tube Structure;Shear Lag Effect;Outrigger;SAP2000
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 現今高樓建築常見之結構形式為框筒結構,框筒結構之外部是由許多密柱深梁所組成之型式。在已發展使用之框筒結構為主體之架構有:筒中筒框筒結構、束型框筒結構、斜撐型框筒結構等。本論文使用SAP2000軟體建立一內縮型式之框筒結構並做模擬分析,同時將其賦予剛臂支架或斜撐和改變不同之結構梁斷面加以比較內力與位移變化之情形,希望了解內縮型式框筒結構加上剛臂支架及斜撐之行為特性。以此探討了解其結構行為做為研究之分析成果。
Framed-tube structure is a generally-used structural type for tall buildings. It’s composed by closely-spaced columns connected with deep spandrel beams at periphery of structures. In the past, the framed-tube structure has developed into tube-in-tube structure, bundled-tube structure and braced-tube structure, etc. We used SAP2000 to model and analysing a tubular structure with pyramid-like shape in this study. In the same time, we changed its parameter and enduing outrigger or bracing to compare with original model in order to understand the shear Lag Effect and characteristics of the structural behavior of the tubular structure with pyramid-like shape. Therefore, the structural behaviors are explored and well understood as the results of this study.


  1. 122301.pdf

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