標題: 利用時間解析量測技術研究氮砷化銦鎵量子井的超快載子動力行為
Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics of InGaAsxN1-x Single Quantum Wells by Time-Resolved Photoreflectance Measurement
作者: 陳穎書
Ying-Shu Chen
Wen-Feng Hsieh
關鍵字: 氮砷化銦鎵單層量子井;載子動力學;激發-探測;鬆弛時間;超快;InGaAsN single quantum well;carrier dynamics;pump probe;relaxation time;ultrafast
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 在本論文中,我們比較由金屬有機化學氣相沈積法(MOCVD)成長的砷化銦鎵和氮砷化銦鎵單層量子井的超快載子動力學。氮砷化銦鎵的能隙因為氮的加入比砷化銦鎵的能隙小很多,可以發出波長為1.45μm 的光。我們利用飛秒時析反射量測研究載子的鬆弛過程。比較這兩個樣品在不同波長的量測結果,發現短波長下由於能隙收縮,反射率變化為負;長波長下由於能帶填充,反射率變化則為正。另外(氮)砷化銦鎵有兩個生命期,我們推測較短者為電子電洞散射所致,較長者在砷化銦鎵和氮砷化銦鎵中,分別為熱聲子效應和受激輻射。
The comparative analysis of the ultrafast carrier dynamics of metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) grown In0.4Ga0.6As and In0.4Ga0.6As0.98N0.02 single quantum wells (SQW) is reported. The incorporation of a low content N in InGaAsN reduces the band-gap energy significantly and allows emission wavelengths shift to 1.45 μm. Carrier dynamics were investigated by femtosecond time-resolved photoreflectance measurement at 800/820 and 880 nm with various pump intensities. Comparison with these two samples at different pumping wavelengths indicates that ΔR is negative at pumping wavelength < 820nm due to bandgap renormalization; ΔR is positive at 880nm due to band filling effect. Furthermore, there are two lifetimes in InGaAs(N), and we speculate that the shorter one is due to electron-hole scattering. The longer one is due to hot phonon decay in InGaAs and stimulated emission in InGaAsN.


  1. 451501.pdf

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