Title: 遊客體驗,新奇追求,滿意度對行為意向之影響–以觀光遊樂區為例
Effects of Tourist Experience, Novelty Seeking and Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention: Case of Amusement Parks
Authors: 王鵬堯
Peng-Yao Wang
William Jen
Keywords: 體驗行銷;新奇追求;滿意度;推薦意願;重遊意願;探索意願;行為意向;結構方程模式;Experiential marketing;Novelty seeking;Satisfaction;Willingness to recommend;Intention to return;Exploratory intention;Behavioral intention;Structural equation modeling (SEM)
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 近年來已有愈來愈多的研究從體驗行銷的角度來探討體驗行銷、消費體驗及體驗價值等與消費者行為意向之關係。亦有部分研究將觀光地意象、品牌形象、滿意度等納入做綜合探討,大致皆可獲得正面影響之結論,進而建議觀光業者加強或改善其現階段有關體驗行銷或觀光地意象不足或缺失之處,以提高遊客的滿意度及推薦、重遊意願等正面之行為意向,並降低其負面行為意向。 然而一般對於推薦意願及重遊意願的認知,係消費者對於產品在情感及認知上的一種忠誠度的表現,但忠誠度雖是業者所關注的焦點,卻未必為遊客本身所在乎。緣此,本研究參考學者另提出之「新奇追求」論點:每個人都有某種程度的新奇追求傾向,人們可藉由旅遊去體驗一些新奇和不一樣的事物,以滿足其對於新奇、刺激的渴望。而在此新奇追求傾向之下,本研究進一步假設遊客的行為意向中,尚存有一「探索意願」,且相較於重遊意願,此探索意願或許更能反映遊客未來選擇旅遊目的地之決策行為。 是故本研究從遊客的角度來思考,將遊客體驗、新奇追求、滿意度及推薦、重遊、探索意願等三種行為意向作一整合性之研究,共推演出25個研究變項及八個待驗證之假設。依據交通部觀光局民國95年所做之調查統計,挑選遊客人較多之二處遊樂區之遊客為實證研究對象,共計發放600份問卷,並以結構方程模式(SEM)作為主要分析工具。本研究首先驗證遊客是否確實存有探索意願之行為意向,並探討此探索意願與遊客體驗及新奇追求的關係;其次則在探討遊客體驗、滿意度及新奇追求對推薦、重遊及探索意願等三種行為意向之影響,進一步分析比較此三種行為意向之差異與特性;最後則藉由此實證研究,以驗證本研究所建立之研究模式以及各構面之間的關係是否成立。 結構方程模式分析結果顯示,大多假設都得到支持,亦即遊客確實存有探索意願之行為意向,且遊客不但會因其自身對新奇追求的傾向而產生探索意願,一次美好的旅遊體驗在提高滿意度、推薦意願與重遊意願的同時,也將會同時刺激遊客探索新事物的意願;此外,遊客基本資料分析結果亦顯示,行為意向之平均數亦明顯呈現遊客之探索意願高於推薦意願,而推薦意願又高於重遊意願。最後,本研究分別提出在學理及管理實務上的貢獻,以及本研究之研究限制與後續研究之建議。
There has been increased attention given in the tourism study to the relationship between consumer behavioral intention and experiential marketing, consumption experience, and/or experiential value etc. Most of these empirical studies suggested finally that if the tourism industry could improve the lack or insufficiency of experiential factors which represented unsatisfactory, it should be able to enhance the tourist’s satisfaction, intention to return and willingness to recommend the destination. However, it’s indeed important to the tourism industry, but perhaps not necessarily to tourist. According to the concept of “novelty seeking”, people may travel because they want to experience something new and different. Therefore, this study assumed further that another behavioral intention termed “exploratory intention” might exist, and compared with intention to return and willingness to recommend, exploratory intention perhaps can explain the destination decision even more. From the point of view of tourist, this study focused on the relationship between the tourist experience, novelty seeking, satisfaction, willingness to recommend, intention to return and exploratory intention. 600 tourists at two popular amusement parks were investigated from February 2007 and a structural equation model (SEM) was used for theory testing and development. The results show tourist actual owned the exploratory intention, not only derived from one’s level of novelty seeking, but gained from once wonderful travel experience. Despite a wonderful travel experience can increase one’s satisfaction and intention to return, it also stimulates people to visit another destination by the same way to fulfill the desire of next travel. At last, the study provides some theoretical and management suggestions for follow-up studies and tourism industries respectively.
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