標題: 三階段資料包絡分析法應用於亞太地區貨櫃港埠績效評估之研究
Performance Evaluation of the Container Ports in Asia Pacific Using Three-stage Data Envelopment Analysis
作者: 曾文君
Tseng Wen-Chun
Hwang Cherng-Chwan
關鍵字: 三階段資料包絡分析法;貨櫃港埠;績效評估;Three-stage DEA;Container-Ports;Performance Evaluation
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 生產效率為衡量港埠競爭力之重要指標之ㄧ,因此針對港埠之生產效率進行評估,有助於了解各港之相對優勢與劣勢,以提供改善方向與未來發展策略之參考。近年來雖有不少文獻應用傳統資料包絡分析方法針對亞太地區之貨櫃港埠進行生產效率之評比,但由於傳統方法在學理上有其限制,加以中國大陸之港埠建設與發展變化相當快速,因此本研究採用最新發展的三階段資料包絡分析方法,依據近期的相關資料,針對亞太地區貨櫃港埠之生產效率重新進行評估比較,並進一步探討我國三大貨櫃港埠之改善方向,以供參考。本研究發現:就技術效率而言,多數貨櫃港埠的無效率主要是規模無效率所造成。而統計檢定結果顯示,第一、三階段的效率值有顯著差異,表示環境變數與隨機干擾對效率值確實有影響,港埠管理者宜以第三階段的結果作為檢討效率改進的依據。此外,我國三大貨櫃港埠與亞太地區其他貨櫃港埠比較,高雄港是最接近相對有效率的港埠,只需對其資源進行小幅度調整,即能使其作業效率最佳化,基隆港與台中港則需對其資源進行較大幅度的調整,才能轉變為有效率。
Productivity is one important indicator of port competitiveness, evaluation of productivity among different ports provide information regarding relative advantages and disadvantages of each port, as well as direction of future improvement and development. Although many research work have been addressed to compare the productivity of container ports in Asia Pacific, conventional DEA method were mostly used in those literature. In view of the theoretical limitation inherent to the method, this study adopts newly developed three-stage DEA method to analyze the similar problem, based on the recently update data. This study finds out that “scale inefficiency” is the major influence of “technical inefficiency” for many container ports, and that the effect of environmental factors and statistical noise on productivity are very significant. As far as the relative efficiency of the three container ports in Taiwan are concerned, Kaohsiung is one of the relative efficient port in the region, but more improvement efforts are required for Keelung and Taichung to become relative efficient.


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