Title: 多廠區生產管理模擬模式之建構
Developing a simulation model of production management for multiple factories
Authors: 江長恩
Keywords: 多廠區;生產管理;模擬模式;multi-site;production management;simulation model
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 隨著產業界競爭環境激烈的改變,市場需求變化迅速,企業為求壓低成本、生產佈局全球化等因素,不斷的擴廠與合併,製造工廠也從傳統之單區位延伸至多區位,因此以往單廠區之生產規劃已不敷使用,在此環境之下,如何規劃與分配多廠區的資源與資訊利用便顯得相當重要。
As the competitive environment of production industry changes fiercely, the market demand changes rapidly, in order to decrease the cost, and globalize production positions, companies expand and absorb factories, production factories positions become multiple from single, so the traditional production plan is not good enough anymore. So it is significantly important to plan and deal out resources and use information of multiple factories in this environment.
The objective of this research is to develop a systematized simulation model of multiple factories production management, divide the system into four parts: entity objects, operational processes, relative information flows and decision systems.
1.Entity objects include orders, materials, factories, distributorships and transportations, use the entity oriented characteristic of the simulation software to set attributes of all entity objects, make them can operate on system flows.
2.Operational processes include centralized and single-factory operations, clarifying sequence and relations between all operations is significantly important in rationality of the system planning.
3.Relative information flows include external information such as order and distributorship information, and internal information such as inventory, factory and transportation information. Input of distribution function in this research make the system more stochastic to close in real environment. All calculation and data collection processes are in accordance with relative information flows, so the accuracy and rationality of the parameters have to be considered deliberatively.
4.Decision systems are the core of the simulation system, they include orders allocating and operation scheduling planning, and cross-factories supporting. Formulating decision criterion and decision point both influence the efficiency and fitness of use of the system.
After simulation analyzing of scenario hypothesis, it can be observed that the simulation model is easy to observe result and has elasticity of modifiability, it can be adjusted by changing environment, so it can be treated as assistant tool of multiple factories production management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis