標題: 組織變革中對留任員工工作壓力之影響因素
Factors that Influence Survivors’ Job Stress during Organizational Change
作者: 呂昀芳
關鍵字: 組織變革;變革公平;變革喜好;組織承諾;變革承諾;工作壓力;Organizational Change;Change Fairness;Change Favorableness;Organizational Commitment;Change Commitment;Job Stress
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 環境因素牽動著組織變革之必要性,兩者互為因果關係,無論是洞燭機先的變革驅動者還是懸崖勒馬的環境追隨者,目的皆是引領組織達成永續經營的終極目標,而任何一切改變,唯有「人」能化為具體行動實現之。因此本研究的重點鎖定在人心的感受與反應,主體共分為兩大區塊,前者以社會學之社會交換理論(Social Exchange Theory, SET)構築個人與組織間平等互惠的關係,後者則建立在心理學依附理論(Attachment Theory)瞭解個人與組織依賴的風格所導致的壓力結果,且時間點選定在變革執行期間,排除事後回憶可能導致感受遺漏的缺失,因此檢測對象的篩選為變革尚未完成的企業體,公部門則由於正力行政府再造運動,亦為本研究施測樣本之一。 研究結果顯示私人企業方面,在變革公平對組織承諾、變革喜好對組織承諾與變革承諾三條路徑關係皆有正向顯著之影響,而組織承諾對工作壓力則有負向顯著之影響;政府單位方面,在變革公平與變革喜好對組織承諾與變革承諾四條路徑關係皆達正向顯著之影響,而變革承諾對工作壓力則達負向顯著之影響。這些差異的關鍵在於組織文化的不同,企業的衝勁與政府的穩健,讓身處變革中的員工對感受與壓力有著不同反應的顯現。
Environmental factors influence the essential of organizational change. Either change-oriented persons who can foresee the chances or environment followers who usually make changes at last minute, they all regard the perpetual operation of their organizations as their final purpose. However, it is people that can achieve their purpose by actual actions. As a result, this research focuses on people’s perception and reaction. The framework is divided into two parts. The first part constructs the reciprocal favored treatment between individual and organization by Social Exchange Theory (SET) and the second part tries to comprehend individual’s and organization’s stress result from different anaclisis. It is noted that the research time window is set in the period of organizational change. It can avoid the missing of feelings by afterward recalls. In other words, the objects of our research are the organizations which are in the process of changing. Additionally, government which is making effect to re-organize is also the object of our research. The results show that in the enterprise, change fairness toward organizational commitment, change favorableness toward organizational commitment and change commitment all have significant and positive relation while organizational commitment has a significant negative influence on job stress. In the government, change fairness and change favorableness both have significant positive influence on organizational commitment and change commitment while change commitment has significant and negative relation toward job stress. The reasons of the difference between the enterprise and the government are caused by the difference of the organization culture and the different attitudes. These both make the persons in organizations have different feelings and stress.


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