Title: 中國3C產品領導廠商之配銷強度策略影響因素與區域差異研究
Determinants of Distribution Intensity and Regional Inequality in Mainland China—the 3C industry
Authors: 陳佩君
Pei-Chun, Chen
Edwin Tang
Keywords: 配銷強度;3C產業;區域差異;中國;Distribution Intensity;Regional Inequality;3C Industry;China
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 中國大陸近年來經濟高速成長,成為資通訊暨消費性電子產業全球主要生產國後,期龐大的內需市場,更成為企業眼中的重要消費國。中國大陸在加入WTO後,中國大陸產業政策隨開放要求而調整,帶動廣大的市場需求,吸引全球企業積極卡位佈局。然而由於中國市場的複雜性及其地域的差異性使得廠商在拓展市場時面臨難題。如何定下成功的通路策略是各家廠商亟欲了解的課題。

China has become one of the biggest markets in the world. However, because of the complexity and the regional difference of China market, the channel management in China is much more difficult than in other countries. How to make a successful channel strategy is the one thing that the companies wonder to know most.
Stern, EI-Ansary, and Coughlan (1996) state, "One of the key elements of channel management is deciding how many sales outlets should be established in a given geographic area." Despite its importance, distribution intensity has received little attention in academic research. Frazier (1996) mentioned that "Credible commitments by retailers in the form of contractual agreements and investments are shown to moderate the relationships of manufacturer brand strategy and channel practices with distribution intensity." Nevertheless, up to the present, there is no research that examines how characteristics of individual trade areas affect distribution intensity.

So the purposes of this paper are as follows: 1. Analyze the distribution intensity strategies of Nokia, HP, Haier, and Levono by CDI & BDI Matrix. 2. Discuss the determinants of distribution intensity 3.Discuss whether regional difference affects distribution intensity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis