標題: 巴拿馬三大工程的影響和投資機會
Impact and Investment Opportunities of the Three Mega Projects in Panama
作者: 莫潤玲
關鍵字: 大型工程案;巴拿馬運河擴建;能源樞紐;中美洲電力連線;海外直接投資;巴拿馬;Mega Project;Panama Canal Expansion;Hub Energy;SIEPAC;Foreign Direct Investment;Panama
公開日期: 2006
摘要: Currently the focus in Panama is to convert itself into an international hub through the completion of many ambitious mega projects. First, this thesis analyzes three of these mega projects. The first of these is the Expansion of the Panama Canal and this will have a major global impact. Consequently, because of this project another project, the Mega Port on the Pacific Ocean, will be needed to satisfy the future level of global transportation. The final mega project is the Panama Hub Energy that will supply energy to five of the countries which comprise Central America. Generally speaking, a mega project involves a huge investment and is a large-scale construction project contract which is usually broken downed into many smaller subcontracts. In this context, the role of foreign direct investment is considered an important factor. Next, this paper presents a profile of the business infrastructure in Panama. Then, it analyzes the risks involved. Finally, the current involvement of one country, Taiwan, is examined with respect to foreign direct investment in Panama. In conclusion, after careful consideration of all these factors, it will be possible to suggest the opportunities for foreign direct investment in each mega project.

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