Title: 以案例式規劃推論架構輔助U化學習應用系統設計
A Case-Based Planning Scheme to Support U-learning Application Design
Authors: 王芙民
Fu-Ming Wang
Shian-Shyong Tseng
Keywords: 案例式推論;規劃;U化學習;CBR;Planning;U-learning
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 近年來由於無線網際網路與嵌入式系統的發展,使得U化學習的研究愈來愈熱門,而在一個U化學習的環境中包含了許多跨領域的軟硬體技術,例如:學習教材系統、手提設備、嵌入式感測器等等,提高了U化學習應用程式的設計成本。然而,根據我們的觀察,多數U化應用程式都是由一些服務與其輸出入訊息,以及流程控制知識所組成的,若能重複利用前人的設計構想對於設計一個新的應用程式是相當有幫助的。因此,我們利用案例式規劃技術來協助設計新的應用程式,此外,我們使用細顆粒的案例再用技術來修正案例使其更容易符合設計者的需求。為了能重複利用現存的應用程式設計構想,我們提出一個階層式案例式規劃技術,將現存的應用程式視為案例並將之儲存,來輔助新的U化應用程式設計;在此階層式案例式規劃技術中,我們利用計劃來描述一個應用程式的流程控制知識,並且提出一個三層式的案例架構來輔助細顆粒的案例再用;其中,一個案例是由一組任務所組成,而每個任務又由一組服務所組成,此外,我們分別為案例與任務定義了一組特徵來描述之,並且參考現有的U化應用程式建立了一個訊息本體論。我們提出了一套案例擷取與案例修正的方式來使產生的計劃能夠符合設計者的需求。最後,我們做了一個試驗性質的植物園導覽實驗,而結果顯示產生的計劃是可接受的。
In recent year, due to the development of wireless network and embedded system, researches about U-learning become more and more popular. However, the design of U-learning application is costly and time consuming since cross domain technologies are required such as software learning content system, handheld device, embedded sensor, etc. With our surveys, many U-learning application designs can be decomposed as a set of services and messages with similar Control Flow Knowledge. Thus, it is helpful if we can reuse previous design ideas when designing a new application. Therefore, the idea of Case Based Planning (CBP) approach is proposed to support the new design. Moreover, different from the traditional CBP, the idea of reusing fine-grained case is also proposed to adapt the requirement of new case design. Consequently, in order to reuse the design ideas of existing applications, we propose a Hierarchical-Case-based Planning (HCBP) scheme to store applications design as a case and support new U-learning application design. In the HCBP scheme, a plan is used to represent the Control Flow Knowledge of an application. To enable fine-grained case reuse, a three-layer case hierarchy is defined, where a case is composed of a set of tasks and each task is composed of a set of services. In the HCBP scheme, we define a set of features to describe case and task in U-learning, and a message ontology is constructed for the reference of existing U-learning applications. In the HCBP scheme, the case retrieval, and case adaptation operations are proposed to fulfill the requirement of the resulting plan. Finally, a trial experiment about designing a new botanical garden guiding application using HCBP is done, and the resulting plan is acceptable.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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