標題: 中國山水畫中水流動畫之產生
The Generation of the Flow of Water in Chinese Ink Paintings
作者: 王朝慶
關鍵字: 中國水墨畫;山水畫;水流波紋線;水流走勢線;動畫;水流;Chinese Ink Painting;Landscape;Stroke;Flow lines;Animation;Flow of Water
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 水墨畫在中華文化裡,是有很豐富內涵的一種藝術表達,畫家透過毛筆的筆觸和水墨的渲染以及畫面配置,表達自己的想法,表達自己對於景物人事的領悟,因此在畫的背後,都有很深的意境,但是要能夠讓觀賞者了解畫家要表達的內涵,除了畫家要有深厚的功力,觀賞者也要對水墨畫有一定程度的了解,為了讓畫家努力完成的作品更容易被理解,我在國畫中挑選了一個特別的領域,把畫中的某一重要元素做成動畫,讓觀賞者能夠輕易的感受到畫家想要表達的內容。 水墨畫的內容包含很廣,從山水人物花鳥動物植物等等,本論文所主要是以山水畫為目標,山水畫最主要的元素就是山和水,山是靜而水是動,要利用水的動態襯托出山的寧靜,更顯現出山的穩重靜謐,就像是襯托紅花的綠葉,所以在山水畫中,水的動態是有很大的意義的,因此我這次希望的,就是可以做出水墨畫中的山水畫裡的水的流動的動態。
Chinese Ink Painting is an essential art in Chinese culture. Artists express their thoughts and feelings about everything through it. Readers can understand the painter’s thought by viewing and admiring the painting. However, to be able to comprehend the paintings is not easy for readers. In this paper we propose a method to make it easier for readers to comprehend the artistic conception of the painting. Our method focuses on a special category of Chinese Ink Painting, the landscape painting. Usually, the main elements in the landscape painting are mountains and water. We propose a simple method to synthesize the flow of water in the picture to make an artistic conception of it can be understood.
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