標題: 台灣膠帶產業發展歷程與經營模式之探討---以F公司為例
A Study on the Business Model and the development of Taiwan PSA Tape Industry- Case Study on Company F
作者: 蔣益宗
I.Tsung Chiang
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 黏性膠帶;塗佈技術;adhesive tape;coating technology
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 一個國家生產與銷售黏性膠帶的數量,可透露出這個國家工業發展與生活水平的程度。例如在高度工業化國家,如美、日等國,正是膠帶生產與使用大國。台灣雖然經濟規模不大,但台灣黏性膠帶產業已有五十幾年歷史,歷年來業績成長可觀,膠帶的產量與使用量在世界市場占了舉足輕重的地位。其中,台灣黏性膠帶產業的開路先鋒-F公司,由於擁有自主研發的黏膠合成和塗佈技術,得以提供廣泛與先進的應用材料與產品,包括各類黏性膠帶及商標貼紙等超過上千種不同產品,在台灣及大陸設有多座工廠及數十個營業據點,成為台灣膠帶產業的龍頭企業。F公司從早期的篳路藍縷,到現在電腦化、自動化,從台灣早期的以農產品為主要出口,到現在是電子產業大放異彩,F公司見證並參與了台灣的改變與進步。但隨著全球化之潮流與大陸之崛起,台灣產業紛紛外移,使得F公司面臨了嚴峻的環境變化,營業額與利潤也碰到了瓶頸,因此未來發展之策略方向將是F公司現階段重要的課題! 本研究之目的,即在探討F公司之發展歷程與面對未來發展時,應如何運用其既有之核心能力,選擇適當之發展方向以持續創造價值,提升企業之競爭力,再造巔峰。
The amount of production and distribution of adhesive tape in a country reveal the extent of its industrial development and its living standard. In industrial countries such as America, Japan, Germany and England, adhesive tapes are produce in great quantity and widely use. In Taiwan, adhesive industry has been established for more than fifty years, and is recognized as one of the leading supplier in the global market. The F enterprise is one of the oldest adhesive manufacturers in Taiwan, with its advanced precision coating technology; the company developed thousands of adhesive tapes and label stocks to meet the diverse demands from the market, and is reputed to be the leader in the development and manufacture of adhesive products in Taiwan. In the early days Taiwan’s economy revenue was mainly based on the exportation of agriculture products, now the economic growth took place mostly in the revolutionary development of IT industry. The F enterprise observed and participated in the evolution of Taiwan. But today’s business leader faces a global business environment and the rise of China; the company needs to strategy a long-term plan to overcome the crisis. In this research we address the issue regarding the future development of the F enterprise, how to integrate its capabilities and assets to further improve its profitability and competitiveness, and lead to another generation of business success.