標題: 台灣TFT-LCD面板產業之經營探討
A study on Taiwan TFT-LCD panel business operation
作者: 邱偉貴
Edward, Wei-Kay, Chiu
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 經營;策略;TFT-LCD;Business Operation;Strategy
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 台灣的TFT-LCD公司從21世紀初開始快速成長,並且投入許多資金與人力,直到今天2007年,大型液晶平面電視售價已經為消費大眾所接受. 而且台灣大型TFT-LCD面板產量已經可以與韓國抗衡.即使韓國刻意降價惡意打擊台灣的面板產業,台灣的一線面板廠仍然以其優秀的經營能力與策略來應戰,例如友達或奇美仍然可以獲利. 在這個過程中,有些二線面板廠則面臨持續虧損的惡夢,例如華映與彩晶,有的則不堪虧損而遭合併,例如廣輝併入友達.本研究即是以參與觀察法試圖由內部管理的觀點來探討,是否有可行的內部管理策略可以增加成功的機會.
The TFT-LCD Company in Taiwan growth vary much from the beginning of 21st century, there are vary much capital and manpower are invested into this industry. Till now, year 2007, the price of big flat TFT-LCD TV is accepted by the public people, and the TFT-LCD panel product volume is compatible with Korea. Even the Korea Company uses the lower price strategy to impact Taiwan panel industry, the top ranking Panel Company is still survive by the excellent operation capability, e.g. AUO and CMO still make profit. In the fighting process some smaller panel company suffered the poor financial result, such as the Chunghwa Picture tube and the Hannstar display company. One of them is merged due to poor financial result, e.g. the Quanta Display Company. This research is used the Participant Observation method. The purpose is trying to invest the possible internal management strategy to increase the operation successful chance.