標題: 中國大陸東部沿海省份之區域產業競爭力分析 -- 以紡織相關產業為例
Evaluation on Regional Industrial Competitiveness in east coastal provinces of China - A Case Study of Textile Related Industry
作者: 陳嘉和
Chia-Ho Chen
Chyan Yang
Yau-De Wang
關鍵字: 區域產業競爭力;灰關聯分析法;紡織相關產業;regional industrial competitiveness;Grey relational analysis;textile related industries
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 台灣紡織業赴大陸投資已超過十五年已上,已經在大陸沿海各地建立穩固的產業鏈體系,「區域產業競爭力」將成為決定區域經濟發展的重要因素,也是紡織業台商對中國大陸投資之區位選擇決策的重要參考點。藉由探討中國大陸區域產業競爭力的演變關係以及產業經營環境的改變,期能盡速找出紡織相關產業投資中國大陸之有利區位,提升企業經營績效。 本研究利用中國統計局出版的各省統計年鑑,取得2001年至2005年中國東部沿海五省(山東、江蘇、浙江、福建、廣東)的紡織相關產業的競爭力指標,藉由灰關聯分析法的相關運算原則及matlab軟體分析,得到東部沿海五省的區域產業競爭力排序。 此外,再利用2005年及2006年工商時報委託中華徵信所調查的「大陸台商1000大」資料中取得紡織業台商的經營數據,同樣以灰色關聯分析法的相關運算原則及matlab軟體分析,研究發現東部沿海各省的台商企業競爭力排序與前述之區域產業競爭力排序完全相同,可以證明紡織相關產業投資中國大陸之區位選擇,對於企業經營績效的表現有顯著的相關。
aiwanese firms of textile related industries have invested in Mainland China for more than 15 years, and have built a system of textile related industrial chain. The regional industrial competitiveness in China not only become the important factor of determining regional economic development, but also provides the key reference of Taiwanese firms of textile related industries to choose location for investmentment in China. To find out the relevant industries of textile and invest in the favorable locations of Mainland China as quickly as possible, this research attempt to probe into the development of the regional industrial competitiveness in China. This research obtains industrial relevant indicator data of five coastal provinces of the east China from 2001 to 2005, by utilizing the statistical yearbook of every province which the Chinese statistics bureau published. Through the grey related analytic approach and matlab software analysis, we ranked regional industrial competitiveness of five coastal provinces. In addition, we utilize 「1000 Taiwan firms in Mainland China」that investigate by CCIS to obtain 2005 and 2006 annual business data. Through the grey related analytic approach and matlab software analysis, we ranked regional industrial competitiveness of Taiwan textile related firms in the Mainland China. We examine the choice of location by Taiwanese firms. The results show that the same ranking of regional industrial competitiveness as the former.


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