標題: 台灣液晶電視產業競爭策略分析
A competitive strategy analysis of Taiwan LCD TV manufacturers
作者: 林浡然
Pou-Zan Lin
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 液晶電視;藍海策略;LCD TV;BlueOcean Strategy
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 液晶電視是最近兩年成長相當快速的產業,所以有許多的公司都紛紛投入這個產業,但市場價格快速下滑,這使得長久以來以代工模式的台灣,必須以削價競爭的紅海策略做為其競爭策略的主軸。
The LCD TV market grows rapidly in recent year.Therefore, many companys join this filed to share the pie. But the price of LCD TV also decreases rapidly, this situation forces LCD TV manufacturers to adjust their competetive strategy by decreasing the OEM price.
Therefore, this research try to use Blue Ocean strategy and SWOT analysis to bring up the most competive policy for the LCD TV manefactures. The purpose of this research is to identify the challenges that Taiwan LCD TV manufactures have to overcome, the future development of LCD TV, the analysis of the competitive strategy among Taiwan, Korean, Japan and China manufactures, as well as the most competitive strategy of Taiwan LCD TV manufactures.
Our analysis aspects include brand famous degree, product creation, penal supply, technology ability, manufacturing ability, product price, global sales ability, domestic market size and consumer requirement.


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