標題: 回任機制、組織信任與工作滿意對外派回任人員知識分享之影響
The effects of Repatriation Mechanism, Organizational Trust,and Job Satisfaction on Repatriate's Knowledge sharing.
作者: 黃佳李
Chiali Huang
Yaude Wang
關鍵字: 回任機制;組織信任;工作滿意;知識分享意願;知識分享行為;repatriation management;organizational trust;job satisfaction;knowledge sharing motivation;knowledge sharing behavior
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 海外知識移轉至母公司的過程中,回任人員扮演著一個取得國際知識與分享於組織中的重要角色,而企業競爭的關鍵因素是如何透過回任管理機制的設計,促使回任人員有知識分享的意願進而產生知識分享行為。本研究目的主要在探討組織對回任人員的管理機制對知識分享意願以及知識分享行為之影響,並納入組織信任及工作滿意知覺之個人因素探究與知識分享意願及知識分享行為之關係。
Repatriate's sharing of overseas knowledge with other organizational members after returning to home country is one of the key methods for a company to gain international, cross-cultural points of view and knowledge. A well designed repatriation management system will facilitate the knowledge sharing between repatriates and other organizational members. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of repatriation management system on repatriate’s knowledge sharing behaviors. At the same time this study also investigated the moderating effects of repatriate’s perceived organizational trust and job satisfaction on the relationship between repatriation management and repatriate’s knowledge sharing motivation and behaviors.
Survey was used to collect data. A total of 135 questionnaires were sent to the repatriates in various companies. Seventy of them were returned, making a response rate of 52%. Two incomplete questionnaires were excluded and the final sample included 68 repatriates.
Hierarchical regression and cluster analysis were used to analyze data. The results from hierarchical regression analysis showed that career counseling before repatriation and channels for knowledge sharing after repatriation stimulated repatriate’s knowledge sharing motivation. Channel for knowledge sharing and autonomy on the job after repatriation facilitated knowledge sharing behaviors. It was also found that repatriate’s organizational trust and job satisfaction were positively related with knowledge sharing behaviors. However, when the repatriation management systems were added into regression model, the trust/satisfaction-knowledge sharing relationship became insignificant. The effect of repatriation management on knowledge sharing behaviors was greater than that of rust and satisfaction. The results from cluster analysis supported the effect of repatriation management on knowledge sharing uncovered in regression analysis. In addition, the study found that the opportunities for attaining achievement on job after repatriation enhanced knowledge sharing behaviors and the direct reinforcement for knowledge sharing had no effect on repatriate’s knowledge sharing behaviors.
Appears in Collections:Thesis