Title: 探討網路資訊系統提昇服務品質之研究-以研發績效管理為例
A Study of the Internet Information Systems for Promoting Service Quality: Research Performance Management
Authors: 李阿錞
Li, A-Chun
Li, Yung-Ming
Keywords: 企業流程再造;專案管理;行政電子化;Business Process Reengineering;Project Management;Administrative Computerization
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 資訊科技日新月異,不僅衝擊產業界,也深深影響教育機構。近年來,各大學院校不斷致力於提供更便利的校園行政電子化服務,以提升學校競爭力。藉由行政服務品質的提昇,以招收更多優秀之國內外學生,並吸引傑出人才到校任教。校務行政電腦化及網路資訊系統的建置已是各大學積極推動之要務。針對教學、研究及行政有關之資訊系統不斷擴充,以滿足全校教職員生各項電子化服務需求。應用網路資訊科技無遠弗屆之力量,提升學校國際能見度,以發展為國際知名大學,邁向頂尖一流大學。 本研究依據交通大學所訂定之研究成果獎勵辦法,建置一套完整的研究獎勵線上申請系統,並進一步探討本系統對於提昇服務品質及收集研究成果資料的效益。探討內容效法企業流程再造之精神,運用專案管理之方式,建置便利之線上申請系統,落實行政業務電子化以提升行政服務品質。本研究結果分析採用問卷來調查教師及研究人員對本資訊系統使用滿意度,問卷分析結果可進一步作為系統服務品質之研究,並作為學校日後擴充校園行政電子化服務之參考。
Information technologies are advancing daily. It not only impacts various industrial fields, but also deepens influence on academic institutions. In recent years, various universities unceasingly develop more convenient campus administration computerization services, which promote the school competitive advantage. By improving the administrative service quality, a university can recruit more outstanding domestic and foreign students, and attract talented faculty. Computerization of school affairs administration and establishment of network information systems have already been important matters to all universities. Considering the teaching, research, and administration services, the information systems should expand continuously and satisfy the entire faculties and administrators. Through the network information technology, we can promote international visibility of the school and develop an international well-known top university. This study, based on the research reward regulations of National Chiao-Tung University, establishes a research reward on-line requisition system and discusses its effectiveness in improving of service quality and the benefit of the collected research results. The spirit of the research includes the imitation of the enterprise process reengineering, the way of the project management, the convenience of the internet information systems, and the realization of administration service computerization to promote the administrative service quality. This research uses the questionnaire to investigate the satisfaction of the faculties and the researchers on this proposed information system. The questionnaire analysis results may further be used for conducting the research of system service quality, and can be the reference resources for the expansion of campus administration computerization service.
Appears in Collections:Thesis