Title: 離子植入機之極早期火警偵系統有效性評估
Implanter's VESDA Efficiency Evaluation
Authors: 郭紘綸
Simpson Kuo
Edward Chang
Keywords: 離子植入機;極早期火警偵測系統;氣體偵測系統;三氟化硼;電器設備火災;溴化阻燃劑;鹵素;implanter;VESDA;Gas Montior System;BF3;Electrical Fire;BFRs;RoHS
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本論文研究主要以半導體廠離子植入機(implanter)之極早期火警偵測系統(VESDA)為對象,唯研究成果並不侷限於半導體,放諸光電業面板廠,或是設備供應商,以及火警系統廠商等凡使用implanter並對該VESDA系統有高度興趣者亦具有高度參考價值。 implanter是一相當重要的前段製程設備,造價昂貴且構造複雜,科技廠房對其設備的購入,可能已有採購安全規範,以及新機台安全簽核驗收程序等機制,唯其內建VESDA系統在各相關階段,可說被注重的程度較小,待機台投入生產線一段時間後,若發生電器設備板、線材等過熱燃燒,而VESDA系統卻不能於第一時間即時偵測,以避免異常事故事件擴大,可知相對的安全管理機制落實或細膩程度不足,而發生工安問題。 VESDA系統偵測器取樣管配置於負壓環境下的implanter機台內部,確實有其特殊的設計講究,經驗證即有機台的佈置情形,亦發現相同的情形,並且以實務經驗觀之,亦會干擾以無機酸試紙帶氣體偵測系統的偵測,而造成不可避免的警報(unwanted alarm)。 本研究以福特8D為手法,D1.主題選定及團隊形成,D2.描述問題及現況掌握,D3.執行及驗證暫時防堵措施,D4.定義及驗證真因,D5.列出、選定及驗證永久對策,D6.執行永久對策及效果確認,D7.預防再發及標準化,D8.恭賀團隊及未來方向,透過八個主要步驟,將真正的問題定義清楚,並執行永久對策,進而建立標準化。 以上的手法值得推廣至各種異常狀況的解決,不僅是implanter也不僅是VESDA系統,可以放寬至科技廠房製程設備機台的滅火、火警偵測系統有效性評估,也可以是VESDA取代傳統偵煙探測器運用於機台端的探討,或者是更大格局的研究,其運用之妙端看使用者格局、決心、企圖心,以及團隊支持。 有效性(functional,available)一直是安全與防災系統最實務面的講究,也是任何一個系統使用者的最基本需求,有效性評估的落實,若是在機台驗收階段實施,可收事半功倍之效,本文以implanter之VESDA有效性評估為題,期在拋磚引玉,讓更多工安相關人員對設備、系統、元件的有效性產生高度關心,進而維持其在極高度可靠性為最終目的。期盼工安人能多多關懷設備安全狀況,並保持對系統維護的高度熱忱。
This paper focus on semiconductor used implanter’s fire alarm system. The study result is also to referable to all of the implanters used in DRAM, TFT LCD fields equipment engineers, safety engineers, equipment makers, and fire alarm system makers. Implanter is the most of important equipment in the role of the front end semiconductor process. Due to the high costly and complex machinery structure, the safety purchasment guideline, 3rd party semi S2 report, and new tool sign off procedure has been developed and implemented. However, the fire alarm system (VESDA) equipped in the implanter is not got more attention in the above stages. Till the VESDA couldn’t efficiency detect the cables or PCBs fire event in implanter during mass production stage, it will be serious review. It seems a problem that the VESDA system couldn’t detect the electrical fire happened in the implanter. VESDA is famous for ballroom incipent fire detection, it means air flow influence the detection efficiency. It was observed that the electrical fire in implanter also caused the gas monitor system, such as BF3, unwanted alarm, and poor detected in the VESDA system. The methodology of this study is via FORD 8D, it is a good solution of TQM field, the detail and 8Ds are sequentail introduced below. D1:chose the topic and build up team, D2:description the problem and current situation,D3:executed and verified the temporary action(if necessary), D4:define and verify the root cause, D5:verify and check out the permanent solution, D6:executed the permanent solution and evaluated the effort, D7:Standize, D8: congratulation and future orientation. This methodology is sutiable to promot to the widely fields, such as tools fire system efficiency evaluation, VESDA replaced the spot of type detector in the high tech equipments/tools, or others. Functional & available is the most important of the fire or life safety system, it is also the basic requirement of the user and designer. The most efficiency of the system available evaluaton is adopted in tool sign off stage. The topic of this paper called “Implanter’s VESDA Efficiency Evaluation”, it is hope to recall the system owners, safety professionials to review, enhance, and improve the safety system into a good condition. The devotion in safety is never fall down.
Appears in Collections:Thesis