標題: 半導體廠附屬設備管路區環境監測改善研究-以CVD區為例
The Special Gas Monitor Improvement in the Semiconductor CVD Utility Area
作者: 張邱坤
Chang, Chiu-Kun
Chang, Edward
關鍵字: 氣體監測系統;最佳化;GMS;Optima
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本論文研究主要以半導體廠附屬設備管路CVD區環境監測為對象,唯研究成果並不侷限於半導體,放諸光電業面板廠,或是設備供應商,亦具有高度參考價值。 附屬設備管路CVD區由於位於廠務區,且為高度噪音區,一般工作環境較差,加以高科技業界皆將維護保養工作外包,因此對此區環境的危害,如特氣的溢散或異味,比較不會注意,本文擬從廠區發生管路區人員反應異味開始探討,為何現場以手提式氣體偵測器量測有F2讀值,甚且在量測過程中發現CVD區排氣管路有白色粉末coating,且有部份金屬管路霧化情形探討。 本研究以FORD 8D為手法,D1.主題選定及團隊形成,D2. 描述問題及現況掌握,D3. 執行及驗證暫時防堵措施,D4. 定義及驗證真因,D5. 列出、選定及驗證永久對策,D6. 執行永久對策及效果確認,D7. 預防再發及標準化,D8. 恭賀團隊及未來方向,透過八個主要步驟,將真正的問題定義清楚,並執行永久對策,進而建立標準化。 以上的手法值得推廣至各種異常狀況的解決,不僅是管路區也不僅是CVD機台,可以是任何異常調查與追求根本原因的參考手法,也可以是氣體偵測器發揮效用與使用範圍延伸的最佳化,或者是更大格局的研究,其運用之妙,端看使用者格局、決心,以及團隊支持。 氣體偵測系統的有效性(available & functional)一直是安全與防災系統最實務面的講究,也是任何一個系統使用者的最基本需求,本文以CVD管路區環境特氣偵測最佳化設置為題,期在拋磚引玉,讓更多工安相關人員對設備、系統、元件的有效性產生高度關心,進而維持其在極高度可靠性為最終目的。期盼工安人能多多關懷廠區安全狀況,並保持對系統的高度熱忱。
This paper focuses on special gas monitor in CVD utility areas. The study result is also to referable to all of the high technology fields such as DRAM, TFT LCD. CVD tools used a lot of special gas in process, such as silane,SiF4,NF3,NH3,ClF3,WF6,DCS,O3. The CVD utilities areas are presented the noise, high temperature, and abnormal vapor & fume. However, the safety attention from ISEP or equipment or facility guy is not enough. It seems a problem that no body knows the outgasing in CVD utilities areas. Gas monitor system (GMS) is a functional and available system in special gases detection. However, it seems rarely used for environment monitor. This paper just tries to adopt the GMS system that under sampling piping retrofit used in the CVD utilities areas. The methodology of this study is via FORD 8D, it is a good solution of TQM field, and the detail and 8Ds are sequential introduced below. D1:chose the topic and build up team, D2:description the problem and current situation,D3:executed and verified the temporary action(if necessary), D4:define and verify the root cause, D5:verify and check out the permanent solution, D6:executed the permanent solution and evaluated the effort, D7:Standize, D8: congratulation and future orientation. This methodology is suitable to promote to the widely fields, such as others tool efficiency evaluation, or others. Functional & available is the most important of the life safety system; it is also the basic requirement of the user and designer. The most efficiency of the system available evaluation is adopted in tool sign off stage. The topic of this paper called “The Special Gas Monitor Improvement of the CVD Utility Area”, it is hope to recall the system owners, safety professionals to review, enhance, and improve the safety system into a good condition. The devotion in safety is never fall down.


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