Title: 新竹工業區高度危險產業火災搶救之研究
Study of Fire Fighting and Rescue of highly hazardous Industry in Hsinchu Industrial Park
Authors: 劉晏誠
Keywords: 公共危險物品;聯防組織;顯著滅火困難場所;一般處理場所;室外儲槽場所;室內儲存場所;The public hazardous process materials;the joint defense organization;the remarkably difficult fire fighting place;he general processing area;the outdoor storage tank area;the indoor storage area
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 工業區近年來發生火災及伴隨爆炸等工安意外事故時有所聞,並造成一定的傷亡及巨額財產損失,所以對於研究工業區內各項產業可能造成的危害及工業廠房重大火災事故應變機制之研究甚為重要。 本研究以實地調查新竹工業區內高度危險產業工廠(達管制量三十倍以上的公共危險物品工廠)的相關資料,評估、分析各項調查內容可能危害因素及影響消防搶救資訊、佈署方式以提供火災搶救時參考依據;以利後續制訂公共危險物品場所火災搶救計畫,作為日後執行工廠意外事故搶救時參考依據。 研究結果顯示新竹工業區內高度危險產業佔工業區廠家相當比率,於制定公共危險物品工廠火災搶救計畫後,有效結合工業區內聯防組織並針對高度危險產業中容易延燒因素加強搶救演練。另外也建議消防單位應加強顯著滅火困難場所之搶救演練並以一般處理場所、室外儲槽場所及室內儲存場所為主要搶救對象。
In Taiwan, the industrial fire incidents with explosions were often happened in recent years. They always caused severe casualties and vast property losses. Therefore, the studies concerning on the potential hazards, which were caused by the factories in the industrial parks, and the corresponding emergency response become very important. This research aimed at the highly-hazardous factories, whose amounts of public hazardous process materials are over 30 times of the limiting values allowed by law. The content includes the collection of information from each factory, then, the corresponding evaluation and analyses are carried out for their possibly hazardous potential factors and the related influences on fire rescue action in order to provide the guidance for such recue work in the future. The results indicate that the number of highly-hazardous factories is quite large in the HsinChu industrial park. A fire salvage plan for such factory was set up by effectively unifying with the joint defense organization in the industrial park. It is suggested that the fire rescue actions be practiced often according to the scenarios that fires are caused by the chemicals, which can result in fast fire spread. Moreover, it is also suggested that the fire unit strengthen its rescue of drilling for such zones, the remarkably difficult fire fighting places where the resulting fires are not easy to put out. The exercises can be taken place at the general processing, outdoor storage tank and indoor storage areas.
Appears in Collections:Thesis