Title: 旅客搭乘國道客運之消費者行為及高鐵通車後繼續搭乘之意願研究-以大台北地區為例
The Study on Passengers’ Consumer Behavior of Contining to Take Intercity Highway Bus after the Operation of THSR-A Case Study for Taipei Area
Authors: 張偉峻
Wei-Chun Chang
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 國道客運業;台灣高鐵;消費者行為理論;EKB模式;Intercity Highway Bus Industry;Taiwan High Speed Rail(THSR);Consumer Behavior;EKB Model
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 台灣地區南北往返的旅客運輸除使用小客車外仍以國道客運、鐵路與航空為主,且因為國道客運業因為班次密集、票價低廉、及戶性高,所以國道客運在城際運輸部分佔有一定程度的市場佔有率。台灣高鐵於民國九十六年元月通車,高鐵挾著快速、準點優勢,將使國內交通產生結構重整,進而改變民眾通行習慣,台灣也將成為一日生活圈的地域特性,勢必蠶食包含國道客運業者在內等目前各交通運輸業之市場佔有率;本研究針對此一議題進行分析及研究,以提供各國道客運業者未來制定因應面臨台灣高鐵通車後之市場定位、發展方向及競爭經營策略所需的決策資訊,希有助於國道客運業者之永續經營發展。 本研究採用問卷調查方式蒐集資料,以大台北地區旅客為研究對象,透過消費者行為理論中的EKB模式為基礎,並以社會經濟變數及旅客旅次目的地做為分析基礎,針對高鐵通車前搭乘國道客運旅客之消費者行為,進而探討其在高鐵通車後繼續搭乘的意願,採用因素分析、卡方檢定及單因子變異數分析等方法來分析所得之實證資料,作為高鐵通車後乘客繼續搭乘國道客運業之推論。 根據本研究顯示,『年齡』、『家庭每月收入』、『教育程度』、『家庭中工作人數』及『家中擁有小汽車數』對運具選擇資訊來源有顯著差異;除『性別』外其他社經變數對選擇國道客運時在產品屬性上均有顯著差異;『家庭每月收入』、『職業』及『家中擁有小汽車數』對運具轉換意願上有顯著差異;『旅次目的地』對運具選擇壓力來源上有顯著差異;除『性別』、『婚姻狀況』及『家中擁有小汽車數』外其他社經變數對高鐵通車後有意願繼續選擇國道客運在運具屬性上均有顯著差異;最後針對國道客運業者提出行銷建議。
Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) starts operating from January 2007. It has advantages of being high speed and relatively on-time service……etc. And, it is said to being huge impact on other transportation service industries including intercity highway transportation service providers. How to surviving is going to become one of the key issues for every single highway bus company must confront in the future. This research mainly conducts a survey and collects random data from passengers in Taipei area. EKB model, which is from customer behavior theory, is used to analyze the passengers’ behaviors before THSR operates, and further to explore the willingness of passengers that continue to choose intercity highway bus. Besides, this study still uses factor analysis, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA to get the empirical data analyzed. According to the research results, “age”, “family’s monthly income ”, “education”, “the number of working people in each family”and“numbers of cars in each family”are significantly different from the sources of mode-choice information. Except for “sex”, other socio-economic variables are also significantly different from mode attributes when passengers continue to choose intercity high buses. Three variables, “family’s monthly income ”, “education”, and “numbers of working people in each family”, are significantly different from the willingness of shift other mode. Except for “trip destination”, “marital status”, ‘numbers of cars in each family’, other socio-economic variables are significantly different from the mode attributes when passengers continue to choose intercity high buses after THSR operates. Finally, there are some marketing suggestions to intercity highway bus industry in this research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis