標題: 應用軟系統方法論於逆向物流之問題分析與解決: 以一家電子製造服務公司為分析對象
Applying Soft System Methodology to Problem Analysis and Solving in Reverse Logistics – Using One EMS Company as an Example
作者: 黃文科
Huang, Wen Ko
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 逆向物流;軟系統方法論;維修服務;Reverse Logistics;SSM;Soft System Methodology;Repair Service
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 逆向物流(Reverse Logistics)是指製造商有系統的將製造出去的產品或零件回收利用,再製造或是報廢處理的一個過程及供應鏈管理,隨著環境保護與綠色企業之議題日益受到重視,逆向物流除了是企業不容忽視的環境議題之外更是企業獲利及經營績效重要的一環。本研究研究對象是一家台灣EMS公司的中國工廠之CSD部門(Customer Service Division)當前在逆向物流管理實務上面臨到複雜且不確定高的問題,如客戶維修模式需求,銷退數量/時間預測、維修物料損耗及再利用、維修物料庫存及採購管理、維修組織管理等問題。個案中EMS公司之逆向物流架構面臨到的問題屬於複雜且存在許多面向之不確定因素,本研究選擇以適用於系統思考之軟系統方法論來分析此難以定義問題以及缺乏系統化架構之現實狀況並進行探討及建議。軟系統方法論(SSM)是一種系統化思考基礎的流程去處理真實世界上的複雜問題,它的問題分析與解決方法特別可以用在混亂、複雜、難以明確定義或是沒有結構性的問題之上。本研究以軟系統方法論之七個分析步驟為基礎,建立Rich Picture, 定義CATWOE及規劃可改善之EROS模式及,透過將現有無結構化問題之分析歸類八大類後,在研究後提出四個資訊控制及管理模組及組織流程重整之可行性分析,並提出具體化建議方案及總體效益評估,最後驗證了軟系統方法論在逆向物流問題分析上之可行性。
The reverse logistics refers to the processes and supply chain management of recycle, remanufacture or scarp by the manufacturers which have produced those products or parts. Due to the importance and emphasis on environment protection and green enterprise, reverse logistics not only should be paid more attention but also become one of the key factors in business making profit and managing performance. This research unit, the Customer Service Department (CSD) of a Taiwanese EMS Company in China, is confronted with the difficulties of complex and uncertain reverse logistics problems such as customer requirement of repair model, return forecast, material attrition and reuse, material inventory and supplier management, organization management, etc. Due to the factors of the complex and uncertain problems in this case, the Soft System Methodology (SSM) which is a system-thinking-based process of tackling real-world problems in all their complexity has been adopted to analyze and define the problem, find out the issues and provide the workable solutions. SSM is a general problem-solving technique and particularly good for dealing with messy, complex, ill-defined or unstructured problems. This study applied SSM seven-stage analysis to build a rich picture, define CATWOE and EROS model in order to structuralize current problem situation and possible solutions. This study suggested that the four modules of information and control system should be implemented and the necessary of process and organization reengineering to define a workable and feasibility analysis. In the end, this study will submit the structured suggestions proposal and estimated the final result of implementation. Finally, the research verified that the SSM is usable and suitable for reverse logistic management.


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