標題: 操作型試題樣板的設計與實作∼以九年一貫數學領域國小階段為例
The Design and Implementation of Operation-Style Item Template for Test Items Creation
作者: 鄧明芳
Ming-Fang Teng
Deng-Jyi Chen
關鍵字: 試題樣板;操作型試題;九年一貫數學領域;Operation-Style Item;Item;Item template
公開日期: 2006
摘要:   評量是檢驗教學效果和學生學習成效的過程,教師應視教學現場的需要,選擇適切的評量方式。有鑑於實測、幾何和統計與機率等單元的特性,常需以操作方式檢驗學生學習的成效。   檢視目前線上網路評量,常以單純的題型,如:是非題、選擇題和問答題等,輔以多媒體素材呈現。對於操作型評量,現有線上網路評量的測驗題型恐怕無法滿足需求。再者,編製操作型評量的試題有其難度,一般老師很難製作出來。   本論文就是要開發此類操作型試題樣板,方便老師快速的建立操作型試題。透過操作型試題樣板,試題編製者只要置換其中的素材及設定相關屬性,即可完成操作型的試題。因此降低了編製操作型試題所需的資訊能力門檻,使得一般老師也能利用所提出的操作型試題樣板來編輯操作型題目。
 Assessment testing is a method to know if a student meets the learning objective in learning process.We often request a student to do something what he has learned.  Existing online assessment systems support test question types, such as true/false, choice and essay. For the Operation-Style Item, most of current systems do not support it yet. Furthermore, the creation of an Operation-Style Item question is a very difficult task for most of teachers since it requires some programming activities.  This thesis aims for developing various types of template for teachers to create Operation-Style Test Item. Through Operation-Style Item Template, teachers can easily create Operation-Style Items. Various types of Operation-Style Item Template in 6 different subjects (namely, length, angle, time, area, volume and chart) are designed and then used to create Operation-Style Test Items to demonstrate the feasibility and appliability of the Operation-Style Item Template.


  1. 351301.pdf

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